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About apexgamerx

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  1. apexgamerx

    Safe way to rmt?

    I need 1.5 exalts for a binos but I dont want to risk getting my main account banned. What would be the safest way of buying a binos for my main? Should I buy the exalt on a different account then buy binos and trade with my main?
  2. apexgamerx

    Need help with a dedicated ip vpn.

    Well i had my bot set up and stuff it was farming but today my account got locked due to logging in from different locations. Someone here said its because im not using a dedicated vpn and that could get me banned. I dont really want that to happen so i was hoping someone could recommend me a vpn that has a dedicated ip. Im using Private internet access right now so lt me know if there is anything i can do on my current vpn to stop changing ips. If not i would very much appreciate a vpn suggestion.
  3. apexgamerx

    [Guide] Skill configuration

    Could anyone help me setup the bot for an infernal blow character? I have never used the bot before so everything is pretty confusing. Id very much aprreciate it!!
  4. I am completely new to botting i am currently downloading poe on my vm. I bought a 1 month key and my main goal is to get a lot of currency on this bot account and use it to make expensive builds on my main account. I have not idea on how to set up a bot right now so i was hoping someone would be nice enough to help me through the set up process. I have a couple of questions. 1) Ive seen some people say they bot from level 1. How? since there is no progression how do they just start botting from level 1. 2)what build for be the best for a fresh account? 3) how would i like set up that build on exiled bot. 4) I think i will farm divination cards so does the bot pick those up itself or do i have to make a list of everything i want it to pick up. How does that work? 5) how do you guys trade items to your main since ggg tracks all trades wont it be really suspicious? Thats pretty much all i need help with right now. Thanks
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