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About Suzana1

  • Rank
    Silver IV

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  1. Suzana1


    If u link blasphemy only with curse should work if u set under combat as aura, dont change anything else. in game you will see youre curse icon not blasphemy. im not online atm so I cant check that with my bot
  2. Suzana1

    stash loop

    same problem I hope Alk can fix that.
  3. Suzana1

    masters leveling

    If that is posible
  4. Suzana1

    Fast identify items using shift

    I think that is impossible . You can change some settings in bot system.ini but I didnt see that one.
  5. Suzana1

    Problem with stash tabs and chaos recipe

    Well Im using default pickit (didnt change anything) and my settings are Stash tabs 2,3,4,5,6 Currencies 1 Chaos 6 I also check Loot rare rings/amys, pick chrom items, loot rare items, pick only Chaos recipe, enable stashing, stash shards. And all working OK till now. So currency is going to stash 1, chaos recipe to stash 6, all other items to 2,3,4,5,6. I need more space because I stash all unique items. best regards Diablo
  6. Suzana1

    Worth for currency farming/botting?

    Currency farming works well you just need IIQ and fast clear time of low lvl maps
  7. Suzana1

    .59d wastes maps in eternal lab

    In asc I need around 35 maps to find zana so is much better as jps say global 820 chat pownz.
  8. Suzana1

    PoE crashing ("has stopped working")

    PoE still crash alone sometimes because of some bugs in game. Even you wont use bot game can crash
  9. Suzana1

    Bot stuck on char selection

    Happend sometimes at me also, not offen but still mybe 1-2 times per day best regards Diablo
  10. Under combat just change to yes "Is Golem" and dont change any other settings
  11. Suzana1

    0.59C Multiple Issues

    3. It's disabled, check patch notes. That option was good
  12. Suzana1


    thx a lot
  13. Suzana1


    Hello I just starting Earthquake build + leap slam. Mybe some1 here have experience how to set up bot for that both skills. Have a nice day by Diablo
  14. Suzana1

    Perandus boxes

    Working for me Diablo
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