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About Suzana

  • Rank
    Bronze IV

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  1. Looks good. So try to pin bot with another program (notepad, win rar...) which you run as admin.
  2. On. Few month ago I have same problem as you wrote here. But I don't remember what I change than. I think it was some graphic option and I also change program which I used to pin bot. Mybe is that. Mybe you try to use different program to pin bot.
  3. Just try to manual change settings at "production_Config". You can find that file under User/.../Documents/My Games/Path of Exile/. In that file you can see you're game settings. dynamic_resolution for game is off or on ? Best Regards
  4. Did you try to change resolution in " production_Config" at you're PoE game ? I think you use DX9 but still.
  5. Suzana

    not casting spell

    for blood rage I just set up always recast option all others I didn't change and works good
  6. Suzana

    Pickup Sulfite

    It will be nice
  7. Suzana

    game wont support dx9 in 3.60 what happens then

    thanks a lot for that info Now I feel much better
  8. Suzana


    You have v 0.77 g ?
  9. Suzana

    Wont work

    You have game in 800 x 600 and DX9 ?
  10. Suzana


    Nop. You have link in forum. https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/index.php?/forum/1-exiled-bot-teams-releases/
  11. You must enable option "Maintain pressed key/mouse. And BTW kite dont work good so is better to disable kite mode. Cooldown 0 distance in range 20-30 you must check that alone how it works in different maps, because of wall problem. Have a nic day
  12. Check settings again you miss something.
  13. Suzana

    Idle Setting

    Just put som min and max time and how many minutes bot must wait between that. Ban is random luck more or less
  14. Suzana

    Bot not working

    Check bot log file maybe you will see where is problem.
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