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About qaz7110331234

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    Bronze I

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  1. qaz7110331234

    為何存倉放滿一頁就卡住了? 0.59c

    卡倉庫+1 用很多方法都沒用
  2. qaz7110331234

    portal on waypoint loop with lastrun.log

    I'm now using V0.58 garenaTW version and facing the problem again and again. just as this video has shown. here is my setting. here is my lastrun.log. 2016-03-04 01:40:05 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:07 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:07 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:07 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:07 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s 2016-03-04 01:40:07 [info] -> Creating tp... 2016-03-04 01:40:08 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000 2016-03-04 01:40:08 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s 2016-03-04 01:40:08 [info] -> Moving to position(5320.651855, 11027.173828). State Priority: 29 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Moving to position(5320.651855, 11027.173828). State Priority: 29 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Bot stucked !! Using movement skill.. 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Moving to position(5320.651855, 11027.173828). State Priority: 29 2016-03-04 01:40:10 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000 2016-03-04 01:40:10 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s 2016-03-04 01:40:10 [info] -> Moving to position(5320.651855, 11027.173828). State Priority: 29
  3. qaz7110331234

    EB 使用教學整理_1.2 (待續)

    大大非常感謝你,目前用v0.58掛水道。 最近在使用上會一直出現開傳捲在傳點上然後卡住的現象。 https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/6412-portal-on-waypoint-video/?hl=waypoint 像是這篇裡面的影片這樣。 有找了一下,有人說是知識捲沒了,無法鑑定pickit,我身上跟倉庫也一直都有,後來把pickit修改過也一樣。 重開跟重設定也會有這樣的狀況。 不知道您有類似的情形跟解決方法嗎? 非常感謝 這是我的lastrun.log 看起來好像是一直要去同一個點(5331.532227, 11135.922852)持續很久,然後就會開tp然後進入loop。 2016-03-04 01:40:05 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:06 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:07 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:07 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:07 [info] -> Moving to position(5331.532227, 11135.922852). State Priority: 24 2016-03-04 01:40:07 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s 2016-03-04 01:40:07 [info] -> Creating tp... 2016-03-04 01:40:08 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000 2016-03-04 01:40:08 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s 2016-03-04 01:40:08 [info] -> Moving to position(5320.651855, 11027.173828). State Priority: 29 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Moving to position(5320.651855, 11027.173828). State Priority: 29 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Bot stucked !! Using movement skill.. 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s 2016-03-04 01:40:09 [info] -> Moving to position(5320.651855, 11027.173828). State Priority: 29 2016-03-04 01:40:10 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000 2016-03-04 01:40:10 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 120 s 2016-03-04 01:40:10 [info] -> Moving to position(5320.651855, 11027.173828). State Priority: 29
  4. qaz7110331234

    Start Bot 人物沒反應(英文化問題已解決)

    他那些檔案是舊的 這次更新 請自己用VisualGGPK去用 不然會閃退 板上有教學 自己找 88
  5. qaz7110331234

    今日更新後 有人跟我一樣無法使用嗎

    有更新阿 更新就乖乖等程式更新
  6. qaz7110331234


    版上各種教學 爬文謝謝
  7. qaz7110331234


  8. qaz7110331234


    這版本比較穩定了 但POE的伺服器還是給他有點爛 有時候還是會斷線
  9. qaz7110331234

    EB-bot 自動重啟功能如何實現

    當初貌似有人賣這種東西 不過後面就沒消息了 掛國際服也不錯啊 比值是差不多的還斷線幫忙重啟多好用
  10. qaz7110331234


    到此一遊 屁話討論區 蓋章
  11. qaz7110331234


    我認為是在外掛上增加許多東西的關西 例如: 機會石點裝 蛻變石點地圖 還有指定地圖不檢等等 我將自己設定多餘的東西全部砍掉之後 就沒有崩潰的情況..
  12. qaz7110331234


  13. qaz7110331234

    外掛崩潰 跳出錯誤

    有時候會 貌似是設定上造成的 例如 血量多少登出 這種貌似很容易造成外掛崩潰
  14. qaz7110331234


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