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Beta Tester
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About frop

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    Bronze IV

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  1. HI SupZerg. Bot has TP to area and reset to login screen. Bee good and answer what settings is wrong. 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Chicken state because no tp found in player's inventory 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Area finished!! 2019-05-09 18:57:34 [info] -> Running state priority: 30 2019-05-09 18:57:35 [info] -> Summoning pet.. 2019-05-09 18:57:36 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared. 2019-05-09 18:57:36 [info] -> Current complex map explored !! 2019-05-09 18:57:36 [info] -> Chicken state because no tp found in player's inventory 2019-05-09 18:57:36 [info] -> Area finished!! 2019-05-09 18:57:36 [info] -> Running state priority: 35 2019-05-09 18:57:36 [info] -> Mana flask taken 2019-05-09 18:57:36 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared. 2019-05-09 18:57:36 [info] -> Current complex map explored !! 2019-05-09 18:57:36 [info] -> Chicken state because no tp found in player's inventory 2019-05-09 18:57:36 [info] -> Area finished!! 2019-05-09 18:57:36 [info] -> Running state priority: 17 2019-05-09 18:57:36 [info] -> Chickened via method TCP DISCONNECT! 2019-05-09 18:57:39 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared. 2019-05-09 18:57:39 [info] -> Current complex map explored !! 2019-05-09 18:57:40 [info] -> Chicken state because no tp found in player's inventory 2019-05-09 18:57:40 [info] -> Area finished!!
  2. From lastrun.txt: [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. How to fix this? Did bot use any wrong options?
  3. Hello. Bot logout from any area when tp for it. How to fix this?
  4. Bot ran at dx11 only, but offsets is broken now. How to set bot to work at dx9?.
  5. Hi After 3.5 bot not ditect game window. Game starts at dx9 and dx9ex, win32 and win64. Bot have eror " path of exile is not running ". How to fix it?
  6. frop

    CPU Usage

    Hello. Bot 75d and 75eRC has huge cpu usage when work. How to fix it?
  7. frop

    Stash scrolls

    After 3.2 update bot not stash scrolls of wisdom. Its bug or option? How to fix it?
  8. frop

    Progression mode issues

    Hello. I have some issues in progressin mode. Bot don’t end quests ( don’t grab items from quest npc ) and sometime stun when change quests from world map ( 1 - 2 act ) . How to fix this? Maybe need change some options in EB?
  9. frop

    Bot loses activation

  10. frop

    Bot loses activation

    Hello. lately bot periodically loses activation. Is it trouble from EB site domain?
  11. frop

    Stash all unique

    How to set 0.71 pickit for stash all unique?
  12. Hi. Need pickit with *take, indentify, sell* all rare for 0.70e. NEED file.ipd or text options from pickit. NOT NEED GUIDE or RULE TO SET PICKIT.
  13. frop

    Unique items selling setup

    Hello. I need setup for selling trash unique. But some unique need to stashing. Bot sell all unique, ignore my options: [Type] == "Quecholli" # [stashItem] == "true" [Type] == "Quecholli" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [stashItem] == "true" Setup for rare items and leaguestones work perfect. What need to chenge in setup for: 1) sell unique, 2) stash some needed unique?
  14. frop

    bot sell all the items without identity.

    Thanks for help.
  15. frop

    bot sell all the items without identity.

    Really? What need to chendge in default smart pickit? I have this problem too.
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