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Everything posted by MasterOfSilence

  1. MasterOfSilence

    0.52f Crash (log file)

    i've been having similar issue as well. Bot will run map return to HO attempt to sell and crash
  2. MasterOfSilence

    0.52f CIS Bot stuck with cursor at monster

    I have similar issue, except its not always with special mobs..have had a few times where the bot spend 2-3 minutes trying to pick up an item that just isnt there
  3. MasterOfSilence

    0.50j Crash in the current exiled bot version.

    I've yet to have this issue. do you have loot set to Press Key to loot with loot hidden unless alt/Z is pressed? try enabling that in poe settings/UI Press Alt to loot and make loot not fill the screen.(press Z)
  4. well more bots tends to get more notice and if you get enough jsut as much loot as 2 high lvl bots clearing dried lake. Fewer bots means less kill thus lower chance of currency..also it eems like early game(Pre 50 zones) its almost impossible to get exalts and other super rare currency... I ran a test with 1 80+ cahr running maps and dried lake and 3 low level farmers (lvl 40-43). the 3 low levels pull in about 1/2 as much loot running 24/7 while my 80 char running about 12 hours a day averaged 3 exalts worth of currency/gear a day minimum while with the 3 low level scrubs (about 60 rarity each roughtly) combined got about 1-2 ex MAX a day going 24/7 something else It is know that GGG monitors low level characters more than high level characters...I tested this i ran 3 bots lvl 20 for 8 hours in the ledge before all 3 got banned. Ran 3 bots lvl 45 in The Marketplace for 1 week no ban...tested again with the ledge and the results repeated but much more rapidly (bots made it to 30-40 runs before ban)
  5. I've noticed that a lot of the time the bot will run corrupt areas but there seems to be one issue...msot of the time it will get to the end kill the boss loot the gear until full and leave without opening the Vaal Vessel and getting the (Possible) fragment.. I feel it would be benificial for the masses who farm corrupt if the bot would not leave a corrupt area till the the vaal vessel has been open and any fragments have been looted...just keep going through the area even if inventory is full and whenever it does get the sac peice its because it accidentally clicked the vessel while looting or sometimes your just lucky and the map boss doesnt drop a ton of gear and your char force leaves before opening the vaal vessel
  6. MasterOfSilence

    ็Help Me Pleass.

    most likely added Cooldown timers and set distance to attack for attacks...thats what resolves this issue most of the time in my experience
  7. it would be nice if the bot would keep going through an area till it ahd <20 monsters(or no portals left)..just put in a script to do /remaining every 5-10 minutes(to be set by users) and see if a way to detect the text More then 20 Monsters 1-19 monsters remaining
  8. MasterOfSilence

    Ethereal knives setup

    honey badger dont care
  9. MasterOfSilence

    Crit Tornado Shot - Ranger

    what lvl are you and what area are you farming..also increase your maximum distance.. for me i've had 6 chars get pretty much blocked at lvl 86 because they suddenly start dying more often and losing all exp...still with all those deaths and being unable to get past lvl 86 on every char i've made(10+) i am still making decent bank..nearly 100 exalts in 1 1/2 months with 1 high lvl farmer and 2 low lvl farmers what I also suggest is to stop using TS and use Crit Split arrow Fork..that cut my deaths a lot but not enough to keep my exp sadly. also if you dont mind, share your combat config file and ill see what i can tweak to see if it helps you out.
  10. MasterOfSilence

    bot is ALWAYS changing weapons

    Issue resolved...
  11. MasterOfSilence

    Can't sell in hideout

    The bot clicks on Purchase decorations as it tries to get to Sell Items..I see the mosue continue down to where the Sell item button is and tries to sell items only to get blocked by *Are you sure you would like to purchase this decoration* Sicne 0.41 came out i ahve not witnes this so it may have been fixed but I will watch closely aero enabled..its completly random..it seems like the bot starts trying to click on Sell Items before the mouse is over the button...Maybe solution would be to set a delay on mouse click for selling to be like 1 second or 500MS.
  12. MasterOfSilence

    Frequent Crashes on DC/Reconnect

    Just ported over to a VM machine on my computer..1 hour after going i get this its annoying because the bot isnt even changing name because it doesnt shut down properly...ust keeps crashing
  13. MasterOfSilence

    Frequent Crashes on DC/Reconnect

    i have not..Normally i would but this issue popped up as soon as the new timeout new map feature popped p and i thought maybe there could be some correlation. before 0.41 i crashed maybe 1 time a day andn that was a strong maybe now it happens once and hour..this is on an intel Laptop.
  14. MasterOfSilence

    Can't sell in hideout

    I only ahev 3 exiles in my HO..they all do this...Specific NPC has been set and custom Sell cords has been set also
  15. MasterOfSilence

    Frequent Crashes on DC/Reconnect

    the bot for me is frequently crashing and giving me this error mesage when it does Most of the time its a different message but these 2 are the ones i see the most..ITis ALWAYS on Relog NEVER anytime else any help or solutions would be greatly appreciated
  16. MasterOfSilence

    Can't sell in hideout

    Same happens to me..only solution so far is to manually fix...not to much of a solution though
  17. MasterOfSilence

    any chance to make this bot become a progression bot?

    really it would probably be best if instead of bugging Alk to make the bot a progression feature..expand more on the bots scripting capabilities...have the players build what they need..old bot i used to use on COnquer online 2.0 had an amazing scripting feature that just was endlessly wow..you could make it do anything a player could do...the bot sadly went down about a year ago after the company started ripping out major game features(premium currency drops and such) from the game in attempts to deter botters and ruin the game for players. The reason it was the bot bad though was because it killed 1,000+ monsters in 60 seconds while a real person would be lcky to get 150 max..(It was a clientless Proxy bot that allowed 50+ accounts to run at once clientlessly and it was amazing for botters/horrible for players while it lasted) I'm not saying make this bot into that...I'm saying instead of breaking you ass trying to make a auto leveler that will progress after certain levels build a script system that players can utilize and code whattever the want the bot to do....just dont make the script language something only a programmer could understand.. and since it seems that you have already located the character level information(what level a character is) and the bot already detects monsters and such it probably would be a lot easier to build upon waht scripting there already is. .I would link you to a example of the work this guy did but i can't fond anything anymore cept 4 year old forums that never got updated to go along with the updates..If you are curious about what im talking about check out Conquergenius.com through Wayback machine..had an amazing comunity and suprisingly very little dumbassery
  18. MasterOfSilence

    Boss Runs

    recent(January) anticheating measures makes the use of maphacks very unsafe and more likely to get banned((a lot more likely)) running apst mobs doesnt seem very profitable due to the fact that the most of loot found is through mobs...esp when your killing bosses solo.
  19. MasterOfSilence

    Exile-Bot Dead..

    was about to say..i use the pickit lines i gave you..no Mjolners yet but at least 100 gavels chanced just from me watching
  20. MasterOfSilence

    [Bug] key to use on fail chest opening

    I have never seen this feature work on my behalf except one time earlier today when it clied on a breakable,..the breakable didnt break so it casted..normally i get stuck trying to open a Breakable that is not reachable..either because there is a wall in the way (almsot never) or because it is blocked by other breakables and the bot is dead set on breaking the unreachable one so it just keeps on clicking at it
  21. MasterOfSilence

    Bot is crashing 100% .. AA/RF issues

    possibly//each situation can differ..jsut tinker around with each of thise settings and see if it helps...it did for me and i've been 98% crash free.
  22. MasterOfSilence

    [Bug] key to use on fail chest opening

    what happens most of the time is actually || || || B ||XX ||YXX -------------------------------- X==breakables Y==Targeted Breakable B==Bot |||==Walls ---==Walls The bot tries to target the Y breakable but it cannot reach it since the other breakables are blocking it...its seems like the *Button press on failed to break* only works when the animation to break something plays but it doesn't break..so therefor the animation never played and the breakable doesn't...break..so the animation doesn't play leading to the *Button press on failed to break* This is just from waht i've observed..it may be flawed somehow but yey..just my imput
  23. MasterOfSilence

    Bot is crashing 100% .. AA/RF issues

    i had issue like yours the bot would crash almsot always on the first mob..What i did to fix the issue was increase the cast time on Right mouse and Left Mouse..that seems to curse the issue for me...also settings a cooldown, priority, also set the minimum/Maximum target distance to max 20 min 1 for your Left Mouse button(movement) and 10 max 1min for incinerate..i was having issue with 0 0 causing bot to crash also. since it couldn't really get that close to the monster it just seemed to overload the process and cause a crash since it kept trying to get close.
  24. MasterOfSilence


    This is my first attempt at making loot lines but here goes nothin [type] == "Agate Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Agate Amulet [type] == "Gavel" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Gavel probably messed up but i think this is how it should look Here is a line to Chance the Gavel automatically i think [Type] == "Gavel" # [ChanceItem] == "true" // Mjolnir
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