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Beta Tester
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About litsunglin

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  1. litsunglin

    Ideal pc build for 20+ VMware and exiled bot runs?

    That instance is for running AAA games, and that includes real time video streaming which you don't need when bot. $0.11/hr Spot instance of a g2.2xlarge $0.41/hr Streaming 10mbit at $0.09/GB $0.01/hr EBS storage for 35GB OS drive ($3.50/mo) Steaming cost far more than the instance itself, and POE does not need g2.2xlarge to run. But any way, it's only an idea, until someone tries it out.
  2. litsunglin

    Ideal pc build for 20+ VMware and exiled bot runs?

    I found this interesting. http://lg.io/2015/07/05/revised-and-much-faster-run-your-own-highend-cloud-gaming-service-on-ec2.html Maybe running bots on EC2 is cheaper than building a machine.
  3. litsunglin

    52b pikit

    there is some syntax error in default pickit IPD.
  4. BOT enables chicken when bad situation, but sometimes I feel it can just runs away from it (if not one shot, or hurt too much), then comes back to clean it up, better than trying to tank it. And we have kite mode. So I was thinking is it possible to switch to kite mode on condition, say < 60% HP? and disable kite mode when full HP. Then BOT can possibly do harder content more reliably? beyond mode? and open strongbox without chicken to save some portals. Just some thoughts.
  5. I found that when UpgradeToRare is enabled and there is no alch to use, EB will simply crash.
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