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Beta Tester
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About Mandatory

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    Bronze I

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  1. https://poetradebot.com/
  2. exactly what I'm saying
  3. "a lot of bots have this" please point me to a bot that does this.
  4. Just wanted to give a quick showcaseIt's still a work in progress... Rings only...for now... Only does AUG/ALT Magic Items Only does Tier 1 stats Does not consider light radius Bugged on leeched as mana or life stats
  5. sunder is fine, i'm using it right now. i don't bot for more than 8 hours at a time, after 8 hours i will let the bot sleep for ~2 hours, then bot another 4 hours and thats it for a single day. you should find what works best for you. also, i strongly advise against botting on your main account...just don't do it just in case.
  6. or just run the bot in a vm... and teamviewer on the host machine.
  7. Mandatory

    Key not activated

    same...it's not working for one of my keys.
  8. There have been times when my bot is "full" and goes to town but leaves behind currency or something small that would have fit. But because the bot attempted to pickup a larger item, it detected it was full and left behind the smaller items (currency, belts, div cards, etc.). Is there a way to add some logic and have the bot to evaluate the pickable loot on the ground by size or priority? before going to town? I ask this because, the bot will create a new instance afterwards and lose the items it left behind.
  9. Mandatory

    [Solved]Skill/Combat Issue.

    set min monster required range back to its default. set the max range to be closer (logically this means that there is a monster near so no need to set min monster range) also, set up enduring cry on multiple keys (so if it fails the first time, it WILL do the other key, if both fail then...o well) try these things and let me know edit: edited the first line of my post edit edit: set the max range to 20 (if this is too close increase by 10 until you think its right)
  10. Mandatory

    EB crash very oftenly with v0.30

    So, I ran my bot last night without crashes....BUT this was because I only ran Library. I had a hunch that the way EB is storing a Map run in memory may be the reason it's crashing. If it helps any to the EB devs, I think it's not dumping the mapping logic in memory properly after running a Map. So I suppose I'll be running Library for now, which is a huge bummer since my bot can handle up to level 74 maps.
  11. Mandatory

    0.30d & 0.30e - Many crashes when idling

    I've been getting a lot of crashes since .3, it's still happening for me on f.
  12. Mandatory

    EB crash very oftenly with v0.30

    mine crashed at around ~77 runs with the version you just posted @alkpone
  13. Mandatory

    EB crash very oftenly with v0.30

    also, my cpu usage is jumping up to the 80-95+ range...
  14. Mandatory

    EB crash very oftenly with v0.30

    same here, i definitely think it's a memory leak. about ~1 hour of running, the program that it's attached to has over 1 mil k memory allocated.
  15. Mandatory

    Just wanted to show my build in action

    Anyone else have footage of their bots in action? Post it up!
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