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Beta Tester
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  1. win8(win7vm) vm7.1.6 poe crashes even if im the on pressing exit alreadi tried increasing the ram dedicated for the vm
  2. Tune

    How to setup the Exiled Bot - 2018 Edition

    hmm bot seems to do everything much slower for me for some reason .... like it dose everything right just like 200ms between actions
  3. Hey there whenever i run poe and exiledbot in a vm the game begins to bug out and lose textures flicker white and some objects dissepears. Then i have to restart the game for it to go away win8(win7 on vm) wmware10(vmware 7 used to create the vm)
  4. Tune

    Couple of questions

    2. what i mean was can i for eks play poe with my regular ip and still have the bot use the vpn ip also thanks
  5. Tune

    Couple of questions

    Hey there im fairly new to poe botting, botted wow for +3 years but never used a bot that dosen't inject into the client i also never used vms and or vpns wich is why i need some answers. so here gose: lets say i run 1 bot on 1 vm with a vpn(i know little to nothing about vm and vpns excuse me if what im saying is stupid) will i then be able to 1. Do other stuff on my PC?(i know this dose not work usually but dose using a vm change anything?) 2. Use my home IP for other stuff while the bot is still running on the vm with a vpn ? excuse me for asking obvious questions but im really new to vms and vpns trying to learn stuff.
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