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About dniwdas

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  1. dniwdas

    0.28h 有人成功跑在台服 1.5.1 了嗎?

    有人願意協助一下嗎?目前懷疑是英文化程式這段有問題,因為我如果遊戲切成預設的中文,EB都還能夠正常判斷圖形 (只是中文 pattern 它看不懂), 滑鼠也會四處點。 想請教大家現在是怎麼執行英文化的?有沒有比較一勞永逸的方式可以把我的 PoE 整個英文化而不要透過中介的程式?先謝過了! 英文化程式目錄 GameData\Apps\PoETW: msvcr120.dll pathofexile.exe 原本主程式 GameData\Apps\PoETW2
  2. dniwdas


  3. dniwdas

    Bot doesn't start

    Same issue here with 0.28h on Garena Taiwan (ver. 1.5.1). 1. start bot 2. PoE window got focus 3. mouse do clicking but it is always on the same coordinate. This keeps making the character moving to bottom. Environment: Windows 8.1 Logs: 2015-03-07 18:54:03 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Antony Chen\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.28h\Configuration\default\config.ini 2015-03-07 18:54:03 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Antony Chen\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.28h\Configuration\default\skills.ini 2015-03-07 18:54:03 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Antony Chen\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.28h\Configuration\default\system.ini 2015-03-07 18:54:03 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Antony Chen\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.28h\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini 2015-03-07 18:54:03 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Antony Chen\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.28h\Configuration\default\pickit.ini 2015-03-07 18:54:03 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Antony Chen\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.28h\Configuration\default\flasks.ini 2015-03-07 18:54:04 [info] -> Logging into the game 2015-03-07 18:54:06 [info] -> Logging into the game 2015-03-07 18:54:07 [info] -> Logging into the game 2015-03-07 18:54:08 [info] -> Logging into the game 2015-03-07 18:54:10 [info] -> Logging into the game 2015-03-07 18:56:10 [info] -> Exiting bot VC Redist Installed: 2008 x64 / 2010 x64 / 2012 x64 / 2013 x64
  4. 如題。 我依照之前的環境使用,發現滑鼠只會點向一開始的 "Play" 那個按鈕,無法進行比對及 bot 自走,進遊戲後的症狀也的確就是人物一直往下走。一兩週前我是都可以順利跑成功的說,不知道究竟還需要檢查那些地方?官方對台服的支援好像不是很快,看起來只能大家多多互助了,謝謝。 Logs: 2015-03-07 18:54:03 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Antony Chen\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.28h\Configuration\default\config.ini 2015-03-07 18:54:03 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Antony Chen\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.28h\Configuration\default\skills.ini 2015-03-07 18:54:03 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Antony Chen\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.28h\Configuration\default\system.ini 2015-03-07 18:54:03 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Antony Chen\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.28h\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini 2015-03-07 18:54:03 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Antony Chen\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.28h\Configuration\default\pickit.ini 2015-03-07 18:54:03 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Antony Chen\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.28h\Configuration\default\flasks.ini 2015-03-07 18:54:04 [info] -> Logging into the game 2015-03-07 18:54:06 [info] -> Logging into the game 2015-03-07 18:54:07 [info] -> Logging into the game 2015-03-07 18:54:08 [info] -> Logging into the game 2015-03-07 18:54:10 [info] -> Logging into the game 2015-03-07 18:56:10 [info] -> Exiting bot VC Redist Installed: 2008 x64 / 2010 x64 / 2012 x64 / 2013 x64
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