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Beta Tester
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About rmgamer

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  • Birthday 04/12/1981

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  1. rmgamer

    Randomize all timers

    Na none of that is ever logged on server anyhow, only the last 5 zones are current in there logs and rest gets purged....... So for that purpose it's useless anyhow. It would be just a nice option to switch zones randomly you select other then 20000 runs in say docks. But you kinda can do that already by creating custom profiles for each zone and setting a time-random time switch for each profile. But a bit more simple function would be nice in this regard! As far as selling items moving items all that crazy stuff just seems like alot more to go wrong with bot, Unless you like more confusion then there already is with it working correctly lol??????
  2. rmgamer

    [Guide] Skill configuration

    Having the same problem with my acr witch as well. She runs directly into the mob. I ended up adding 4 zombies for her to summon so they take the hits and don't have that problem anymore. I hope they find away for it to stop committing suicide! LOL
  3. Crazy mofo..................

  4. I don't know about you all. But I have had super good luck with an ARC witch, Multen shell, displine, I also use -light curse, forgot name lol! But good lord it can do dom runs in 7 mins no problems. Lvl 72 maps 99% time easy. 7k arc,8k multen 3k life 3k engery sheild seems to be the sweet spot with 45% mana sheild regain faster added. Have pots set to 80% life 20% mana You do need a 6link armor to get mana,life,penatrate,Arc,Echo,Faster Cast Seems to rock. I used Fire penatrate,Reduce mana, Multen shell, Increase Burn Damage, In 4 link gloves, Increase area, Faster cast, Reduce mana, Conductivity in 4 link boots. You need faster cast to not slow your main skills down from firing. Life leach and mana leach pretty much keep my bot 80% to 95% full life with arc even under super heavy fire. You need an item with!!! Can not be stunned! I mean god it works great for me tree is simple basic arc witch build. I have 300 mana after arua. Mana leach keeps it full easy! I know you all goign to tell me arc witch suck but gg they clear maps fast!
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