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About 954612

  • Rank
    Bronze IV

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  1. 954612

    Unable to view forum messages

    Hi, I'm currently unable to view my messages on the forum. Clicking on any messages lead me to an error page.
  2. 954612

    v0.50i My experience thus far

    Does your mouse pointer stick to the zombies? If it does then maybe you need to change your skill settings... The bot should always automatically pick a key to press based on your skill settings, maybe you changed them and/or the keys pressed is empty?
  3. 954612

    v0.50i My experience thus far

    Does it just stops attacking? or does it stops completly idle (not even moving)? Did you change any of the settings?
  4. 954612

    v0.50i My experience thus far

    Just get a Silverbranch bow and Craghead Quiver you should be able to easily clear low level areas. They're about 1c~2c or even lower... btw do your bot just completly stop attacking or switches to basic attacks? If your bot completly stop attacking you need to raise the priority of your skills higher.
  5. 954612

    v0.50i 100% crush...

    The bot seems to be bugging out if there's an item to be chanced left in the inventory..
  6. 954612

    v0.50i My experience thus far

    It seems like you're running out of mana? Maybe you should change some of your flasks to mana pots? The bot can't do complex actions like deciding when it is safe to attack or not. Basically, your equipment must be good enough to be able to bot some areas.
  7. 954612

    Unable to chance items

    I have another account with several licenses, I just don't feel like posting with it. There's many uniques worth chancing right now after the awakening patch, like the ventor's gamble, death's hand etc.. I'm posting here to check if other people's unable to chance items. So, do you have this problem or know how to solve it?
  8. 954612

    Unable to chance items

    Currently if I uncomment the chance item section in the pickit, the bot bugs out and stops working. The bot would pick the items but when it went back to town the bot would stop working. Is anyone having this issue ,too? If it matters I'm on TW btw.
  9. 954612

    Bot Program never lunches.

    IIRC Direct X/Visual C++ Redistributable is needed, did you install them?
  10. 954612

    Bot stuck at Act 4 The Harvest

    The Harvest is probably the best place to farm being able to drop two tier 1 divination cards "The Hoarder" and "The Hunger". However the bot would frequently get stuck at The Harvest. If the three mini boss is killed the bot would get stuck in the boss area, and if the player is killed the bot would then get stuck at the entrance.
  11. 954612


    把換武器的按鍵X換掉應該可以解決 試試看吧~
  12. 954612


    設定不能貼之前的歐 之前的裡面沒有撿寶珠的設定 可以把設定裡面有行Jewel前面的//刪掉就連白色藍色的都會撿了
  13. 954612

    2.0 自動喝水

    這邊有2.0能用的自動喝水 https://mega.co.nz/#!hM4zXDKa!HJnPZ3uhFNLefoOYHYBwFg_-ypPeQT6g7dbB3hZuxmw
  14. 954612

    Bot not working on TW server

    The offset seems to be changed, can someone fix it?
  15. 954612

    Bot wont run Sacrifice fragments

    I think you should remove this line: [Rarity] == "Normal" # [ignoreMap] == "true" since the bot consider the fragments as 66 maps, maybe you should manually ignore 66 maps? [Type] == "Crypt Map" # [ignoreMap] == "true" [Type] == "Dried Lake Map" # [ignoreMap] == "true" [Type] == "Dunes Map" # [ignoreMap] == "true" etc..
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