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About tortose

  • Rank
    Bronze V
  • Birthday 07/28/1989

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  1. tortose

    [Guide] Skill configuration

    I was using non-kite with my ranger an had my Tornado shot set to 35 which it was working meh. But was running maps an got stuck on mobs that were in the ground.. Had to scale it back to 25. Now I have it set to chicken at 25% an I just ran maps over night. 161 map runs an 61 chickens... BUT no deaths. Should a ranger have Kite on? If so anyone have the ranges?
  2. I see only one post about a Ranger, an it didn't help at all. Maybe I didn't do something right. But I ran my bot for 8+ hours an did 100 runs Out of those 100 runs 23 deaths an many chickens. Can someone help me out with the "Combat" I'm not sure if he needs to kite or what. My bases are good. Have 105+ on all my Rest -45Choas. I'm just not sure what else I can do besides tweak with the "Combat" some more.
  3. tortose

    Ranger Crit Tornado shot

    Sorry found what I was looking fro.
  4. tortose

    Ranger Crit Tornado shot

    I'm looking for a set up "Combat" ranges an ect. I keep trying to run maps but I die because he wont kite an ect. So if someone already has a good set up could you help me out please.
  5. tortose


    Thanks! All I had to do was uninstall an reinstall the bot, But now he is getting stuck on the master's just sitting there an attacking. I can't go fully afk.
  6. tortose


    I've downloaded, V0.50 RC an started it up changed what I needed in Pickit an Cord's. But try an run in an the bot runs past the Waypoint an just sits there? Also I don't see anything about Jews or Cards in the pickit list. Can anyone help me out here?
  7. tortose

    Exile-Bot Dead..

    This will be my last month paying for your service. No real Mods/Supports on this site to help people, things aren't up to date. Perfect example pickit list. I been waiting for a answer 4 days now on why pickit/exile bot isn't picking up chance items mainly Agate amulets an Gavel's. You know how rich people will become if these items were being picked up an chanced?? With new chapter coming out for PoE I would expect the new items an ect to be picked up but I don't see that happening with Exile-Bot.
  8. tortose


    No, that's the normal pickit list. I haven't messed with anything. (no clue what I'm doing)
  9. tortose


    Chancing // [type] == "Glorious plate" # [ChanceItem] == "true" // Kaom's Heart ect ect is in the pickit list, why isn't it working??? or even picking up those items???
  10. tortose


    Is there anyone that has a pickit list that will pick up Gavel's / other chance item's?? I always have to stop the bot so I can go pick up a Gavel or amulet or such.
  11. tortose


    I would like to run 70+ maps. But when I start the bot an it goes threw my stash's an go to my maps it wont pick up any maps because they are all 70+ an just runs docks.. Is there something I can do to make it use 70+ maps?
  12. tortose

    Need Help Urgent!!!!!

    Yes, you should install your Window's on the SSD, an depending on what games you play more. You should have those select few on the SSD. Games you don't play as much have on your HDD.
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