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Beta Tester
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About mcmbowinc

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    Bronze IV

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  1. mcmbowinc

    Never thought this day would come - Banned !

    human centipad +1
  2. mcmbowinc

    Never thought this day would come - Banned !

    lol ok i always click on agree without readin, although south park showed me i might one day agree to get stuck on another man's butt
  3. mcmbowinc

    Never thought this day would come - Banned !

    when this seasons started, we had to agree that they would store cookies into our computer saying its to provide us with better personalize help on their forum. didnt you click on agree?
  4. mcmbowinc

    Just got banned :(

  5. mcmbowinc

    Never thought this day would come - Banned !

    same. im pretty sure the new cookie thing got us all. they banned in a wave. we all got banned. or mostly xD shame on US
  6. mcmbowinc

    does it work?

    does old version from may 23rd still work today? sry im too lazy to config everything and test xD
  7. mcmbowinc

    loot filter = bot filter

    lol id them, use them for chaos recipes and whatever just skip all the useless ones but i beleive it aint possible xD
  8. i have no clue what is hard to program or what is not, so dont get offended xD my idea is to have the bot to only take the rares that your filters will show up. ignoring all others. maybe possible, maybe not? maybe it actually exist and i never noticed?
  9. mcmbowinc

    List of bug map and bot issue v0.72c

    also Arena map t8 if bot go wrong way, he thinks map is over when the ''arena'' has no door, although he should come back and go the opposite way to get to the boss.
  10. mcmbowinc

    erroe when i open bot

    might want to lower your graphic details, it seems you are out of video memory xD but i never used VM so i cant tell...
  11. mcmbowinc


    I have been botting on my main account since i got the bot. Never had any trouble. Sometime when i get home from work or wake up, i just go AFK in POE(everybody go afk in a game at some point) i think it is more dangerous to transfer orbs to your main from a dummy account. but that is personal. if you bot on your main, try to keep your friend list small, with only people you REALLY trust, since only way i see of getting banned, is getting reported. And by the way, i live in a house with my brother and he also play path of exile. We both have same IP. never had any trouble with that. but i dont BOT 24/24 nor am i connected 24/24 Stay safe, and yes, you are way better botting then spending real $$ for orbs
  12. mcmbowinc

    Skill Config For Ancestral Totem

    never setted it, but try to use a cooldown of like 4second, with a range of like 20yards, and it should, in theory, work.
  13. mcmbowinc

    Pickit Normal Item

    if you need scroll of wisdom, sell you transmute, blacksmith stone and armorer scrap at vendor. from 1 night botting you should have well enought scrolls O_O
  14. mcmbowinc

    How upgrade map from white to rare?

    1st: in line 37 make sure you dont ignore rare maps 2nd: in line 45 put // so he dont upgrade to magic 3rd: in line 46, take off the // so he upgrade them to rare. should be good
  15. mcmbowinc

    is bot down??

    guys, somehow when i woke up thismirning bot works again with version B (O)_(O)
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