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Beta Tester
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About Omegabare

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  1. Omegabare

    3.5 Betrayal League - Updated Map IPD

    This line should really be part of the default map IPD also if you want to add it. // [MapTier] < "5" && [Rarity] != "Unique" # [UpgradeMapTier] == "true"
  2. Agreed, this is much needed.
  3. Omegabare

    Add Range to pickit

    This has nothing to do with the suggestion OP made. OP is saying he wants to intentionally ignore low value currency unless the bot paths near that currency naturally.
  4. Omegabare

    Smart Stashing

    Any further thoughts on this from the community? Stashing things in an organized manner saves users significant time in the long run, and it also makes the bots actions look a lot more human. I know not everybody bots on an account with MTX, but there are enough people that do. It would be great to be able to put essence in the essence tab, and cards in the card tab. Please consider adding this functionality.
  5. An alternative is to allow left click to be used for an aura or golem. When a golem or aura is on LMB, it always acts like "Move only" unless you hold shift. If you just made auras and golems respect "use shift" flag, then the LMB could be used for an extra golem or aura. Just a thought that would maybe require a lot less work.
  6. Hi poeaddict, Charawn is being kind of a dick about it, but it's worth knowing that on the day you are referencing a mod account was hacked. They deleted a lot of content on the forums, and did a lot of trolling in general. That has been resolved, but apparently the timing was bad for you. I'm sorry you had such a terrible experience. I highly recommend you hop on the discord and chat with us. The community is quite helpful and if you come in there with a positive attitude, you'll be up and botting in no time. Join Discord
  7. Omegabare

    setting bot up to restart on computer

    Should be easy with an auto-it script.
  8. Omegabare

    Smart Stashing

    I'll add another user case scenario explaining how exalted shards might work. There's a couple options.
  9. Please allow us to edit pickit to designate the stash tab of any given item, or class of items being picked up. Example: [Category] == "Currency" # [stashTab] == "1" [Category] == "Map" # [stashTab] == "2" [Category] == "Jewel" # [stashTab] == "3" [Category] == "Essence" # [stashTab] == "4" [Category] == "Card" # [stashTab] == "5" This should work with all current filters too, so we could set any individual rare, unique, card, jewel, etc. to be stored in a specific stash tab. Example: (I'm sure the syntax is wrong, I don't have the IPD file in front of me at the moment to use as an example). [Category] == "Exalted Shard" # [stashTab] == "2" The user perks are obvious, this helps immensely with organizing and selling items. It also helps to make the bot appear more human like. This will also save development time in the future. As the game evolves we're getting more and more items that hamper the way we bot (see all the currency added in this league). If we change the platform now so that players have absolute control over the stash tab destination of any given item, then we eliminate the need to develop around these items in the future. I'll add use case scenarios as they come up. Scenario: Stash tab 3 is designated for jewels. Stash tab 3 is full. Bot picks up a jewel. Bot cannot insert jewel into stash tab 3. Bot inserts jewel into first available tab (similar to how maps are handled currently). Sometimes an item might meet the requirements for multiple sorting rules. I'll give an example and talk about possible solutions. [Category] == "Currency" # [stashTab] == "1" [Category] == "Exalted Shard" # [stashTab] == "2" There are two obvious solutions here. A. Exalted shard is a currency, therefore it goes in stash tab 1. B. Exalted shard specific instructions override the more generic "Currency" designator, therefore it goes in stash tab 2. Option B is preferred, but either solution is fine, as long as it's consistent.
  10. Omegabare

    Bot doesn't checks if golem is alive.

    Did you check the "is golem" box?
  11. Omegabare

    HowTo: Run in VMWare Workstation 9

    That's one helluva necro.
  12. Omegabare

    Bot Does Not Try to Transmute or Alter New 2.0 Maps

    Ugh. About 10 minutes after I posted this, I saw the bot sucessfully transmute and re-roll a "Quarry Map". For some reason it occasionally skips this step. I'll add more details if I find them.
  13. As the title says, the bot does not try to transmute or re-roll the new 2.0 maps. Specifically I have seen this with "Pit Map" and "Quarry Map". The bot will still run the maps, it just never tries to use currency on them. It still uses currency on the old map names with no problem. I assume this extends to all new map areas in 2.0. I tried to find a list of all the new 2.0 maps, but was unable to do so. Somebody more familiar with mapping might be able to help.
  14. While leveling up it seems like you could just turn off the ability to open strongboxes. By the time you're running maps your character should be able to survive most (if not all) strongboxes. If that's not the case, then you've probably chosen a poor build for botting.
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