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Beta Tester
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About shadi

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  1. shadi


    that would be awesome actually.
  2. Hi All Would like to buy Exalted, Divine, Chaos, Eternal and fuse orbs on SC Standard. Also interested in 6 linked items (one of each and only if I don't have that one already, first come first serve), Volls Devotion and Legacy or GG items. Can buy orbs in bulk. Its for my own Personal use. No intention of reselling. You must have a rep. Payment is via PayPal instantly (as a gift of course), must be verified. Prices (in $) Exalted 1 : 0.85, Divines : 1 : 0.45, Chaos 10 : 0.18, Fuse 20 : 0.22, Eternal 1 : 7, Val: 10 :0.20. If interested to sell, please send me a PM here on the forums (with quantity of orbs and details of items/offer) and I will get back to you ASAP.
  3. shadi

    Safe way to rmt?

    There is no safe way unfortunately cause trade history is recorded. So using another account doesn't do much since it can be traced to your main account. Best is not to RMT, and if you do, the best is to cross fingers and hope no one see's it.
  4. As the tiltle implies, have any one find a mirror while botting ? how often is that?
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