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Everything posted by callus1985
same problem here,just happened during mapping boss fight(v0.55f)! alkpone Senpai,how about u put a new function that allow us to phase run or lightning wrap when "Bot stucked !! Using movement skill.." happened
我的天呀,職業級的... 你應該是員工 ˋ_ˊ
都中文化成功了 人物還是沒反應 問題只剩: 1.遊戲版本選擇(在main選項內,選garena TW) 2.外掛沒跟上最新可用的版本(對就是說你,還活在19世紀用舊版的辣!)
[Release] PoE MultiScript 1.0.5+ (AutoFlask & AutoQuit)
Gurud replied to topic's callus1985 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
Garena TW version G1.4.0. had updated today,your new verison only works on chicken,all flask functions are crashed... please help us,sir! -
HELP T_____T
樓主安安,看看上面幾樓的反應可見此問題之精闢。 配胡配胡。
+1 一樣情形 記得呀,guru喝水程式已經支援台服了,剛試了一下,十分OP,開心。 等更新吧
https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1889-release-poe-multiscript-105-autoflask-autoquit/ 剛剛設定完成,所以多少有些部分需要debug 是在所難免的 ... 同志們,終於,可以喝跑跑水 跟 硬硬水了 好感動。
[Release] PoE MultiScript 1.0.5+ (AutoFlask & AutoQuit)
Gurud replied to topic's callus1985 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
OMG your reply makes today looks like christmas morning to me. Haven't recived a great news like this for a long time,truly thank u sir ! and also,here's the mod names u needed: Catalysed = 催化的 Bubbling = 起泡的 Saturated = 飽和的 Seething = 沸騰的 Panicked = 恐慌的 -
[Release] PoE MultiScript 1.0.5+ (AutoFlask & AutoQuit)
Gurud replied to topic's callus1985 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
Garena TW beyond Exilers really very awfully need your help T_T help us,help and donate ! -
ID:callus 拉我拉我拉我~~~(揮手)
嗯啊,這問題我也是超級頭痛,還有不死靈氣等等的特殊詞綴,究竟有沒有辦法去做設定呢...? 集氣招喚掛神指點迷津
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