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About dsszw

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  1. LINE ID: chachaliu0623
  2. dsszw

    求救! 設定刷圖問題

    我設定刷圖 都會刷個一到兩次之後就會回到章節任務 請問有人可以指導一下看是哪邊設定錯誤嗎 MAP設定預設檔 PICKLIST 也是預設 請各位幫忙~~ ; Bot main config file [client] ; Bot will be paused in the login screen for a random value between these numbers (this is the minimum value) /Note: On unpaused bot will be started immediately/ idle_time_min=0 ; Bot will be paused in the login screen for a random value between these numbers (this is the maximum value) /Note: On unpaused bot will be started immediately/ idle_time_max=0 ; Bot will be paused in the login screen after a random amount of runtime between these numbers (this is the minimum value) /Note: Counting down paused when the bot is paused/ run_time_min=0 ; Bot will be paused in the login screen after a random amount of runtime between these numbers (this is the maximum value) /Note: Counting down paused when the bot is paused/ run_time_max=0 ; 0->Bot will wait until character is in town and then logout. 1->Bot will instantly logout. 2->Bot will wait until in town / hideout and then idle without loggin out. idle_type=1 ; Wait this amount of time before re-starting the client. client_restart_delay=30 ; Path for PoE executable file (PathOfExile.exe) client_path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\PathOfExile.exe [general] ; Define here if you want the bot to automaticaly write account and password credentials (useful to change account on profile change) enable_account_credentials=false ; Define here which character you want to use in the character selection screen (default : 1, top character). character_to_use=2 ; Here write the name of the zone that you want the bot to clean. You have to write it /! HE SAME WAY/!as it is written in the coordinates.ini file (without _x or _y ofc). For now, the bot can only clean one zone per run. zone_to_clean=The Canals ; Important!! you have to give the act which the zone belongs. zone_to_clean_act=10 ; Set this to true if you want the bot to enter /dnd "message" each time before botting. dnd_mode=false ; Open chest? open_chest=true ; Open strongbox? open_strongbox=true ; Open chest under this range (clean monsters before) (0 : infinite). chest_range=40 ; attack breakable chests closer than this range breakable_attack_range=0 ; skill to use to attack breakable chests breakable_attack_key=mouse_right ; Activate shrine activate_shrines=true ; Activate shrines under this range shrines_range=100 ; Activate monoliths? activate_monoliths=false ; activate monoliths under this range monoliths_range=100 ; activate breaches activate_breaches=true ; activate breaches under this range breach_range=100 ; clean abyssal depths clean_abyssal_depths=false ; Level gems? level_gems=true ; If you want to use Alt to loot items, setting this option to true may reduce the number of crap loot, to use this parameter, you need to enable the option Key Pickup in the UI options and be sure the highlight key is set up on alt (default : true) use_alt_to_loot=true ; Press shift while moving shift_when_moving=false ; Kill raising undead monsters before undead monsters kill_raise_undead_first=true ; Always reset instance if farming area. always_reset_instance=true ; Farm corrupted area? enable_corrupted_area=true ; Enable Map farming? enable_map_farming=true ; Stop bot upon no more maps to farm stop_bot_when_no_more_maps=false ; Percent of the map from which bot consider map is cleared, bot will restart instance when value reached. area_clean_percent=0.900000 ; Same as before but only used when farming map (This value is only used for map farming). map_clean_percent=0.900000 ; Skip boss arenas on all maps skip_boss_arenas=false ; If the number of dead monster around character didn't change during last 60s (default), next instance! (set to 0 to disable this feature). monster_no_kill_timeout=120 ; Maximum time (in seconds) allowed per run. when timer is reached, exit to login and start again. run_max_time=600 ; Use TP Scrolls instead of exiting to login. enable_tp_to_town=true ; Go to hideout instead of town enable_hideout=true ; Bot will sell items to this NPC hideout_npc_name=anyone ; Select how to teleport to the hideout. (0: both (Random), 1: Chat command, 2: Waypoint selection) hideout_access_method=1 ; Your Path of Exile version, 0->Normal; 1->Steam; 2->Garena; 3->Garena TW; 4->Garena CIS; 5->Garena TH; 6->China poe_version=0 ; Chicken if any of the specified monsters is in range? enable_sight_chicken=false ; Range to deteck monsters for chicken sight_chicken_range=100 ; Enable auto profile changer? (Profile will not be changed untill log-off or portal to town.) enable_auto_profile_changer=false ; Profile will be changed after this amount of time in minutes (counting start after Start button) auto_profile_switch_time=120 ; Randomize the time by this percent (eg.: if you set the time to 100 and the random to 10 profile could switch any time from 90 to 110 minutes) auto_profile_switch_random=0.100000 ; If enabled the bot will full relog when profile changed (Good for character change) auto_profile_changer_relog=false ; Will sell items to the NPC with the name of "custom_npc_name" setting instead of the default one enable_specific_npc=false ; Will use the custom coord if enabled (found in "coordinates.ini" under "menu" section with key name "npc_sell_button_y_custom") use_custom_coord=false ; Will press this button if the character is stucked. Use movement skill for this to unstuck. ; Enable nav mesh pathfinding system, computation are much faster than old system. However this is still bugged and being tested atm. use_recast_pathfinding=false ; If remaining monsters value is less than the following value, bot will consider the map as cleared. This value only works with map farming. Be careful, if the value is > 50, value is always 51, so never put any value greater than 50. monsters_remaining_threshold=0 ; Reset current map if character enters a master's area. reset_map_on_master_area=true ; Will set the map cleared (and return to town / chicken) when 'no monster killed' timeout occurs. set_cleared_on_timeout=false ; Enable auto progression, only for developers testing atm, do not enable this auto_progression=false ; Bot creates a tp each time it takes a transition to teleport in same area. create_tp_in_multilevel_areas=true ; Try to detect and kill frozen PoE windows (bot will then restart if path to exe is specified in Client tab). kill_frozen_poe_window=false ; General added town management delay - each task will be added that amount of total delay to its functions, value over 500 means using old system /in milliseconds/ custom_added_town_management_delay=0 ; How long the bot will try to attack a monster, if timeout reached, the monster will be skipped (no chicken will happen) /in seconds/ max_monster_timeout=45 ; Bot will always click the resurrect button. always_resurrect_in_town=false ; Set which bandit to help on Normal difficulty. bandit_normal=0 ; Set which bandit to help on Cruel difficulty. bandit_cruel=0 ; Set which bandit to help on Merciless difficulty. bandit_merciless=0 ; The bot will use league stones according to the settings. (leaguestones.ipd) use_league_stones=false ; Enable log file cleaning enable_log_file_cleaning=false ; Log file cleaning interval in minutes log_file_cleaning_interval=5 ; Enable saving dropped items to CSV file enable_item_drop_to_csv_export=false ; Key to enable Elite Features. key=243b48e15c717b439aefaab0329c2e3e ; Your username on exiled-bot.net identifier= ; Will press this button if the character is stucked. Use movement skill for this to unstuck. key_on_fail_movement=E ; Set here your account email address if account credentials are enable login_credential= ; Set here your password if account credentials are enable password_credential= [stashing] ; Which stash tab to use? If multi-stashtab is enabled separate tabs with commas. eg: 1,5,7 stash_tab_to_use=2,3 ; Which tab to use only for currencies ? Higher priority from left to right currency_store_stash_tabs=1 ; Stash tabs to use for chaos recipe items chaos_recipe_stash_tabs=3,4 ; Stash tabs to use for map, bot will use them in priority while stashing a map map_store_stash_tabs=4 ; Enable automatic map upgrading. Map that bot should tier upgrade need to be defined in the map ipd file (ie. [Type] == "Dungeon Map" && [Rarity] != "Unique" # [UpgradeMapTier] == "true" to upgrade Dungeon maps). enable_map_tier_upgrading=true ; Player needs to have at least the following number of map before bots start to upgrade them. minimum_map_number_to_upgrade_tier=3 [profile] ; Sets which map profile should be used map_profile=default
  3. 我也是.. 有點哭哭 常會這樣 應該是我沒設定好吧
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