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Beta Tester
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About domac777

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  1. domac777

    Cant inject

    Yeah, dx9 problem, Thanks.
  2. domac777

    Cant inject

    Hello guys, I'm using the latest version (0.74c), Windows 10 enterprise 64 bit, dx 12. Somewhy nothing happens when i press inject or start without injecting. Anyone had this problem ?
  3. domac777

    Fishing bot??????

    went fishing today and got 2nd mirror of kalandra LOL
  4. domac777

    Fishing bot??????

    1. no 2. fishing gives 2-3 ex more per day 3. you have to find water in the corupted area, docks for example 4. fishing rod and rhoa feather
  5. domac777

    Selling currency

    Hello there, yes I do have PP, but I preffer Skrill.
  6. domac777

    Selling currency

    Welcome to my shop, in order to protect myself from scamming, buyer will go first, or we can use some trusted person from the community as a middleman,payment method is skrill (moneybookers).You can pm me on a forum or via skype: zbiel_sisak. Prices: 20 Fuses: 0.5$ stock: 1000 10 Chaos: 0.25$ stock: 500 1 Exalted: 1.05$ stock: 30 10 Regret: 0.6$ stock: 120 Buyer pays for the skrill fees, 1%
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