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About SupZerg

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  1. Привет, можешь помочь настроить бота? discord: Gagar1nD (Денис)#5795 

    telegram: Gagar1nD

  2. Зачем читать левые сайты? Бот платный.
  3. Братюня платный.
  4. Don't use hide mode if your system config has some problems with it.
  5. Try fresh install and setup.
  6. SupZerg

    Help run map

    Are you trying to run not upgraded (white) maps?
  7. SupZerg

    bot wont run maps

    Your stash settings are wrong then.
  8. SupZerg

    The bot does not run the map

    Most likely your stash tabs are configured wrong.
  9. SupZerg

    metamorph working?

    It's not working atm, so just disable it.
  10. SupZerg

    when is progression going to be updated?

    This bot is not meant for story progression, so don't expect it to be working ever. Support of A1-A4 questing is just a bonus to bot's main features.
  11. Ahk is totally safe unless it's exposed to other players.
  12. SupZerg

    Can I?

    Sure xp is great.
  13. Poe runs in Dx11 only mode, so does bot. Win7 or Win10 doesn't matter.
  14. SupZerg


    No. Unlikely to happen.
  15. SupZerg

    Molten Shell and Enduring Cry dont work

    You can set it up just like any other combat skill. Put some cool down, priority and other conditions if needed.
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