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Beta Tester
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About Owen

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    Bronze V

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  1. Owen

    Magic mobs with bloodline maps mod

    map_magic_pack_mod_rules == 1
  2. Owen

    How often did you find a mirror?

    How often do people get Mirror of Kalandra? You will most likely never get one from a drop in your PoE lifetime.
  3. If you're logging in from a new location, you will also need to enter a verification code which gets sent to your email.
  4. It sends the same message twice in each trade channel very quickly. If I made the timeout shorter it would block you from advertising.
  5. Thanks! I appreciate the feedback.
  6. Download TradeBro 1.3.zip TradeBro 1.2.zip TradeBro 1.1.zip TradeBro 1.0.zip About TradeBro is a trading bot for Path of Exile made with Visual Basic .NET. It will advertise your message in a range of trade chat channels that you have specified. The delay between TradeBro's actions are randomized to lower the chances of your account getting flagged. Features - Advertises your message in a range of trade chat channels that you have specified. - Advertises your message twice in each trade chat channel. - Won't break after a Path of Exile update. - Doesn't use injection. - Simple GUI (graphical user interface) to avoid confusion. - Leaves the trade chat after advertising to avoid missing messages from other players. How To Use 1. Send the message you would like the bot to advertise in any trade chat channel. 2. Press [ENTER] to bring up the chat box and leave the trade chat. (This is to make sure the text box is empty when you start the bot.) 3. Hold your cursor over the trade chat button and hold down [ALT + C] to set the trade chat button coordinates. 4. Choose the range of trade chat channels that you would like to advertise in. 5. Close all panels in Path of Exile. (This is to prevent the bot from messing up.) 6. Press the START button in TradeBro or use [F6] to start the bot. (You can use [F6] again to stop the bot.) Shortcuts [F6] Used to start and stop the bot. [ALT + C] Used to set the coordinates of the trade chat button. Changes 1.3 - You can now choose the range of trade chat channels that you want to advertise in. - You can no longer change the trade chat button coordinates if the bot is running. - Lengthened the delay between actions to prevent the bot from messing up. - Changed the banner design. - Changed the icon design. - Changed the start button design. - Changed the stop button design. - Changed the help button design. - Changed the background color. - Changed the program position. _______________________ 1.2 - The bot will now leave the trade chat after advertising. - Randomized the delay between advertising. - Shortened the delay between advertising. - Changed the banner design. - Changed the icon design. - Changed the start button design. - Changed the stop button design. - Changed the help button design. - Changed the background color. ________________________ 1.1 - Added an icon. - Randomized the delay between actions. - Removed the background image. - Program is now sizeable. ________________________ 1.0 - Initial release. If you have any problems with the bot, please describe in detail what the issue is as a reply to this topic.
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