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Beta Tester
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About a1545250

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  1. a1545250


  2. 請問改版後要怎麼英文化? 有誰知道要怎麼做嗎?
  3. a1545250


  4. May I ask what you cancel? My character will not move in certain terrain
  5. The robot does not move, moves back and forth between two points, and even stops What can i do? 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Running state priority: 23 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Moving to position(4528.778809, 6587.275879). State Priority: 23, Path index: 0 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared. 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Current complex map explored !! 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Moving from Player(204.000000, 614.000000) to Breach(207.000000, 609.000000), destination(208.543488 606.427551) 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Map finished!! 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Running state priority: 23 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Moving to position(4539.715820, 6593.192871). State Priority: 23, Path index: 0 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared. 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Current complex map explored !! 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Moving from Player(206.000000, 613.000000) to Breach(207.000000, 609.000000), destination(207.727600 606.089600) 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Map finished!! 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Running state priority: 23 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Moving to position(4511.867188, 6591.785645). State Priority: 23, Path index: 0 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared. 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Current complex map explored !! 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Moving from Player(209.000000, 611.000000) to Breach(207.000000, 609.000000), destination(204.878677 606.878662) 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Map finished!! 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Running state priority: 23 2020-03-31 07:55:49 [info] -> Moving to position(4452.465820, 6606.940918). State Priority: 23, Path index: 0
  6. What you said is true, but if it is Vaal's skill, it cannot do vaal again.
  7. Whether to increase judgement the skill level, some gems do not require quality, only require high level, like Aura. I personally think this should have setting, but I did n’t find it in ModsList.
  8. I don't know if the author can add a level condition,if okay i think that will very good
  9. Some gems do not require quality, only require high level, like Aura
  10. How to make a robot pick up 21 level gems? no quality I stumbled upon that the robot ignores level 21 gem, how can i do?
  11. vaal vessel is not Automatically open, so the area is not finish map
  12. a1545250

    2021 EB分享群組 想+的留ID

    編號:peter3456 麻煩了
  13. a1545250


    請問有原檔能改回中文嗎? 我忘記備份了 QQ
  14. a1545250


    您好 我是台灣的用戶 在Act 2【The Forest】運行中 常常會誤入【The Forest Encampment】並且卡住一段時間 請問是否可以改善呢?
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