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Beta Tester
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About hc4fun

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    Bronze II

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  1. hc4fun

    Hello and Question!

    yes it works just fine IMO its worth to buy life time version
  2. hc4fun

    Bot Crashes

    got the same issue.. its annoying it could happens once per day or just few minut after start..
  3. hc4fun

    Help run map

    IMO try to change: // Map Tier setting[MapTier] >= "1" && [MapTier] <= "16" # [RunMap] == "true" As far as I know bot have problem with tier map. Have you got map in your stash tab 2? Standard setup for map tab is 1,2,3 you change it only for 2 so bot will check only stash tab 2 for maps if you don't have any in this tab he will move forward and go to act 1. Standard tab or map premium tab? cuz it isn't supported as far as I remember.
  4. Yes, there was a patch and we need to w8 for update offset or new version release, give Alc time to do it. So keep cal and w8
  5. hc4fun


    You can spawn it from LV and you can spawn it only once per character if nothing changed since I was running bot for it
  6. hc4fun

    I am free user

    came back few years ago or buy access now
  7. hc4fun

    What Is Everyone Farming?

    Imperial fields was good to farm long time ago and from this location I was able to get full stack of ex card every 2 days minimum, now I have running it for 1 week with 1 card dropped IMO its pointless, for me maps are best place to farm now, because on non map instance you have got LV drop palatynaty...
  8. hc4fun

    [RELEASE] EB Map Config Generator/Editor

    look gr8 I will test it tonight!!! THX for gr8 work!!!!
  9. hc4fun

    Just got banned :(

    I get ban after 1 hour on brand new IP and new ACC ... they hacked us ...
  10. hc4fun

    Question before buying

    full a 1 - 4 working ATM 5-10 you need to go maual
  11. hc4fun

    trade 25+ currency issue

    I have problem with trading currency and and unique items from my bot acc. I already created two fresh acc both char leveled up to 25 + and on both I can't make regular trade when I'm trying to put anything to trade window I get info that I can't trade <25 o_0 and drop trade is also blocked. I'm using the same VPN (not free one) + WM service since since 2 - 3 years w/o any problems like this till now Did any have got the same issue? I send email from on of the acc to ask support about it but I don't think I will get any respond since I used bot on it already.
  12. hc4fun

    Broken graphic

    Hi I just have get to POE again I got wired broken graphic issue after few runs: It looks more less like this --> https://scr.hu/eL2N9D I'm using same win7 configuration which I was using since 1,5 year I just only moved form VM7 to VM12 Did any1 got this or similar problem?
  13. I was running whole talisman league on bot based on this build --> https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1302337 for me it was working w/o any problems.
  14. hc4fun

    stop bot from overleveling

    I was trying to do something like this in this way: I was running one location fro 1 hour or so and than bot swap on the other profile (same location) but with changes flask setup no chicken no drinking etc It was working in some kind of way but ofc if I put to good items on him he wont die so you need to balance it and pick best location for this kind of botting. It could be added auto option (checkbox) when character reach 80% of exp bar bot will swap to "nub mode" and it will open the same area and go till he will found 10 - 20 mob group and than wait for death and continue this process till his exp will go down up to 0 - 5 % and than swap to normal battle mod. It shouldn't be so chard to implement IMO ofc if It start working again
  15. hc4fun

    Add more flask to bot

    pickint? normal or uniq?
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