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About AbraCadabra

  • Rank
    Bronze V

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  1. More ppl uses same VPN => more chances to ban for everybody. True for paid ones too, cause IP pool isn't so big. So I suggest to find something yourself outside of this forum - more chances to stay "alive"
  2. AbraCadabra

    Map farming configuration question

    I'll try, thx.
  3. AbraCadabra

    Piety Probleme

    Can't help, but curious. Why do you want to farm her at all?
  4. AbraCadabra

    Map farming configuration question

    Thx, it works! Any thoughts about first question?
  5. AbraCadabra

    Map farming configuration question

    Second question: [Rarity] == "Normal" # [upgradeToRare] == "true" Is this correct? I want bot to use alchems to update normal maps to rares. This option doesn't work for me - it just ignores all my normal maps, run the existing one rares and then just go to "docks" cause there is no more maps to do. Map running configuration is: [MapLevel] >= "66" && [MapLevel] < "67" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [RunMap] == "true" Do I miss something?
  6. AbraCadabra

    Map farming configuration question

    How can I skip "of Desecration Area has patches of desecrated ground" mod in maps? Tried to skip "map_ground_effect_patches_per_100_tiles" mod, but it looks like it skips also others - chilled, shocked, etc.
  7. AbraCadabra

    Exiled bot 0.20e feedback thread (includes bugs) please read

    yes I am, also may note that pickit profiles works perfectly - I can switch them without any problems
  8. AbraCadabra

    Exiled bot 0.20e feedback thread (includes bugs) please read

    Yep, even rerun bot (actually always do that - can't remember, but bot doesn't reload some options on F11), checked config.ini before running - there was a correct profile name.
  9. AbraCadabra

    Exiled bot 0.20e feedback thread (includes bugs) please read

    it looks like bot always uses "default" map profile
  10. AbraCadabra

    Exiled bot 0.20e feedback thread (includes bugs) please read

    It looks for me that it is a game problem, not a bot one. At least on my side - game app crushes, bot app keeps running. However, not sure what causes it.
  11. AbraCadabra

    V20.D Bugs.

    any thoughts?
  12. AbraCadabra

    V20.D Bugs.

    I've seen a problem with corrupted areas today. If bot have full inventory when opening a Vaal chest - it won't pickup sacrifice pieces and just tp to town, sell stuff and start another run of map. So sad And if bot got full inventory before clearing corrupted area - he won't come back, just start another run of map after selling&stashing. So sad Idk, but it looks for me that corrupted areas may give a huge % of overall profit in sacrifice pieces (1ex for full set?), but with these two problems we get like 0 sacrifice pieces.
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