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Beta Tester
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About aerts1980

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    Bronze V

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  1. aerts1980

    Random logout, causes?

    Do you have "idle Timer" on by accident? Check last tab in the bot (Client), set the Idle timers to zero, dont worry about the "Idle Type" . When you set timers to zero the type doesn't matter anymore. Hope this helps
  2. aerts1980

    AHK syntax accordance

    What you want isn't possible. Why? Well, the game doesn't let you use the numpad sings (- + /) as input keys for the skillbar buttons. I checked it myself.. You can use - + / on the letters part of your keyboard, but you probably already knew that. Orrr Maybe you can run AHK alongside with the bot and make a small script yourself, with the numpad signs redirecting to other usable keys that the game DOES accept as input buttons for the skillbar. Then the bot should work with your defined keys. Also, this way you can use those keys yourself, when you play the game. Hope this helps
  3. aerts1980

    Is this still a thing?

    Well i guess it is /cheers @Alkpone for the latest update! @admin: Topic can be closed or even deleted.
  4. aerts1980

    AHK syntax accordance

    Hi, Right now the bot isn't working so I can't test those buttons you want to use specifically. But I think it should work if you follow these steps: 1. Put the skill in the hotbar (let's say you put them on the second bar-which works fine with the need to press "Crtl+(your key)") E.g. Leap Slam on bar 2 on last spot (Ctrl+T) 2. Now go to the game settings - input. Here change the button to use skill 10 (click your button "+"/"-"/"=") 3. Open bot - Combat tab - Add skill: Button: Change to (your button "+"/"-"/"=") On second bar: Yes set parameters like any other skill Again, I THINKthis should work, I'll test it when we get an update of the bot. Greetz
  5. aerts1980

    Old user coming back, bot still working?

    Welcome back old users! I too am a returning old member, bot seemed to work fine until last night after the game patch. I guess now we need to wait for an update.. Are those still being made, as the last version was from September? Greetz
  6. aerts1980

    Is this still a thing?

    Hi all, After a long time away from the game i decided to try it and the bot out once again. I noticed the game changed alot since i played last time! Also I see that the bot doesnt work anymore.. Is this still alive? Last update was in September.. The forums seem mostly abandoned and none of the discord channel links I found worked, also a banner at the top of the page to "join our Slack" does not work What's going on, can anybody please fill me in? Thanx alot in advance, I really hope the bot still works! Greetz
  7. aerts1980

    Why the hell is the bot switching characters?

    Do you have the correct "character postion" selected? It's at the top of the "map" tab. This value should be the character you want the bot to play.. Hope this helps.
  8. aerts1980

    0.61f Bug EB cannot "Use Waypoint States from Progression"

    "Use Waypoint States from Progression" works fine for me.. Just make sure you dont have "Enable progression (beta)" enabled.. So it should say "No".. Hope this helps
  9. aerts1980

    New Aura casting method

    +1 aura's in ho/lab AND aura's (recast each run) BEFORE looting please. GOD I LOVE THIS BOT!!
  10. aerts1980

    Please help with my pickit

    Wow i didn't see how old this thread was, lol. I hope it still helps someone
  11. aerts1980

    Please help with my pickit

    Try replacing: [base_maximum_energy_shield] with: [local_energy_shield]
  12. aerts1980

    Pickit Help?

    When this happens to me i just : 1. F12 to pauze the bot 2. Exit to char select 3. Click "Stop Bot" in EB 4. Click "Start Bot" in EB
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