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Beta Tester
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About testest56778

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  1. testest56778

    A few questions before buying

    Yes, it can do chaos recipe
  2. testest56778

    A few questions before buying

    If offsets are working, then bot "technically" has progression from a1 to a4, though generally its regarded as glitchy and can get stuck doing any of the quests. Advised to babysit the bot while questing and help it manually as needed though personally I just grind zones with the bot and speed-run quests manually inbetween.
  3. testest56778


    Discord is down? Edit: It isn't
  4. testest56778

    Smart Stashing

    I like this
  5. testest56778

    Bot v0.54i mapping does not work

    Using bot version 0.54 i for release 2.0.5c, Bot will not map no matter what I try. I have correct map profile .ipd settings, correct maps, correct stash tabs, correct pick it settings, all other configurable options are set and correct. I have tried bot embedded in different programs, tried it normal, nothing works. Everytime I start the bot, it checks the stash tabs for maps, doesn't pick any of the maps and then goes and farms dried like instead of mapping. What the heck is going on? when can this be fixed? everything was working before patch
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