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Beta Tester
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About max1982

  • Rank
    Bronze II
  • Birthday 06/14/1982

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  1. Hey boys, They are still available if anyone want them 1- Kaoms heart legacy relic Uncorrupted. 2- Windripper Legacy relic 6L uncorrupted. 3- 4 x Windripper double legacy all 6L uncorrupted. 4- 5 x Double Legacy Relic GOLDWYRM NUBUCK BOOTS 30% IIQ you know the value of the above items. If your interested drop me a PM. Am also selling my main account. Details below.. Total STD Char: 11 max level is 98 Ranger Deadeye and all the rest 96 and below. Total tabs 209, Currency tabs: 7 Card tabs: 2 Essence: 3 Quad Tabs: 21 Map tabs: 6 Premium tabs: 170 Support packs: Survivor, Warrior, Minataur, Hydra, Chimera, Phoenix, Breach, Breachlord, Classic, Legacy, Oriath, Outlaw, Legion, Eclipse, Beast, Kitava, Portent, Harbinger, Vagabond, Seeker, Scholar, Redeener, Subjugator, Dominator, Abyssal Imp, Abyssal Lich, Harpy, Alpha Harpy, Manticore, Alpha Manticore, Council, High Council, Conquest, Grand Conquest, Pitfighter, Assasin, Vanguard, Empyrean. MTX am not sure how many there are. But if you want a picture I will be more then happy to pm it. There are tones of MTX'S. Gear wise there are 1000's of items in the tabs. got around 100 6L items. Pictures and names of the item on request. Also some Legacy gear and Some Alt Arts. Pm for more details.
  2. Hey man how much you selling windripper legacy?


  3. Discord: wafic#7288

  4. Hello Am selling mirrors and ex in std softcore. Got 300ex Mirrors sold out Kaoms Heart Legacy relic for sell ( Open for offers ) Windripper 6L relic legacy for sell ( open for offers ) Pm me your offers, Payment through paypal
  5. max1982

    WTB EX and Chaos in STD

    Paypal only. Pm me your ratio bulk price only.
  6. max1982

    Forum style

    Love the new style of the forum...
  7. WTB 10k plus Chaos orb pm me your your ratio. Need a good price.
  8. max1982

    My Exiled Bot Beta v0.73b Dosent work

    Post your log file so people can help.
  9. max1982

    Elite+ but no key listed

    When you buy a key normally takes 1 day for it to appear in your "manage purchases", If you didn't get it yet contact Alkpone. He will add it for you.
  10. max1982

    Crashed the attached program

    Did you installed DirectX End-User Runtimes. Try installing it again and restart the machine once your done Try attaching it to something other then winrar Like teamviewer or Notepad ++. Just for the future posting try putting your post "Log Details" in Quote.
  11. max1982

    WTB Ancient Reliquary Keys

    Anyone still got keys who want to sell them let me know
  12. max1982

    WTB EX and Chaos in STD

    Yes am still looking
  13. Hey all. Need to buy large amount of Chaos and ex. Let me know your ratio and quantity. Ex need 100 plus and Chaos need 5000 plus.
  14. Hello, Want to buy Ancient Reliquary Keys 50 plus let me know how many you have and price. Paypal only.
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