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Beta Tester
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About stgfreak

  • Rank
    Bronze IV

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  1. Hey man how much you selling windripper legacy?


  2. Did the deal went well? if so, I'll buy the remaining 150ex
  3. I've tried all the above solutions and yet mine still doesnt work.
  4. stgfreak

    EB crash very oftenly with v0.30

    Hey alkpone thanks for the reply. Anyway I do have this problem and also for some reason the bot keeps picking up my inventory items etc and just get stuck there. Responds on bot using skills are slightly delayed as well.
  5. stgfreak

    Bot crashes

    Bot keeps crashing when selling items.. (this happens once in awhile) im guessing it's an item syntax error maybe? using this custom pickit https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2383-11-custom-pickit/ http://pastebin.com/vGGYLfWE
  6. stgfreak

    Bot crashes

    I have the same problem with the bot crashing.. I've been using Exilebot for a year or 2.. this is the 1st time im getting this error.. What's worst is now that error pops up the moment my bot starts.
  7. stgfreak

    Bot picks up every item..

    sorry fixed it can a mod remove this thread? thnx!
  8. stgfreak

    Bot picks up every item..

    Hey peeps Im using this pickit http://pastebin.com/vGGYLfWE but for some reason my bot is picking up tons of white. it doesnt store them but still it's always selling them etc.
  9. stgfreak

    My Exile Bot losing elite status..

    I just realized even with or without the status the bot 0.19g doesnt work for me at all..
  10. stgfreak

    My Exile Bot losing elite status..

    Hi my bot cant even start from character selection.. neither while in game/dungeon.. due to the Elite status bug..
  11. Hi.. I've been using the bot for a long time.. until recently.. the bot has been making my whole windows make my CTRL button permenantly pressed on... and bot just keeps getting stuck at the edge of a dungeon.. and my window just keeps popping up into my windows 8 menu.. I dont know how to describe it.. but i bot like 1round and stuck.. and then what ever i press even after i quit the bot.. somehow has CTRL pressed with it... have to restart my com to resolve this issue.. and it's happenning all over again when i on the bot...
  12. I don't understand why my bot just walks by the scrolls both the tp scrolls and id scrolls.. anyway to fix this?
  13. Hi I'm using the latest version Exiled Bot Beta v0.16e. With the Elite member. 1. Bot doesn't seem to be picking up any scrolls etc like the older versions. 2. My elite Status keeps auto dc..
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