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Beta Tester
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About zarlarck

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  1. I just updated the bot, setup all the things and wanted to use it, the bot opens the game, login to the right character goes to the chest and dump the currency I had. and then select the act, but not the way point the mouse goes down to where the quest are, and clicks. when it fails it just keeps doing this (but it is not even moving to the way point in town is is still standing next to the chest... a´m I doing something wrong or is this a bug, haven´t used the bot for a while, but got back in to Poe...
  2. I dont know if this will help enyone but i just started playing agian and im using this with no problem http://badplayerr.github.io/ I got so use to play with it i can´t do with out
  3. zarlarck

    Key problem

    Same for me
  4. zarlarck

    Zarlarck is happy :)

    Hello to all im a total noob, but thanks to alle the cool people her im SUPER happy for a cool bot that even I can use. but most of all, the people that are on the forum and chat. Hope to see u on the forum or the chat
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