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Beta Tester
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About spike

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    Bronze V

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  1. Hey guys. Is it possible to edit the pickit that the bot dont pick up chests, shields and more? I dont use loot rare Items only pickit. And I // the chest, shields part. But the bot still picking up all Items.
  2. spike

    To much Items

    Man...I dont wanna loot for Chaos. Bot should pick up rares. Go to town selling. Back to Port and pick up the Rest. Yeahr always highlight Items is on. Cuz without. The bot need to long to locate the Items. And when the bot kill for examble a Boss. There drop mich rares. And in Middle of the drops. To open a Portal and klick on IT while highlted Items is impossible for the bot.
  3. spike

    To much Items

    What u are talking about? L2p? Whats wrong? Hmmm?
  4. spike

    To much Items

    Alredy use lootfilter. The Items im talking are all rare!
  5. spike

    To much Items

    Hey there. I let the bot run with much Mf. Problem: When there drops to much Items. He cant klick on the Portal. Items overlaying it. When i use the Option for dont Show Items. The bot need 5 mins to pick up one item. Maybe its possible. To make a side Step away drop location and open than the Portal?
  6. Hey there. Searching for Skyforth Boots. Paying 90$ USD A other Option is selling me exalted Orbs. Need 100 paying 70$ USD Cya Exiles
  7. I search ever Day there. But cant find cheap Accounts there...
  8. Searching for 75+ Account. Pref Witch or Scion. Should have a good gear. Paying 20-40$
  9. spike

    v 0.20 B bugs

    I dont know what is wrong with this bot, very often, the Bot is disabled, all stats on status site are cleared. Most of the time he does a Map, and than after this, he standing in Town and do nothing.
  10. Hey there, i need much Fusing. Im ready to pay 40 USD for 1000 per Paypal For Ex my max offer is 8USD per 10ex Hope to find someone here soon.
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