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Beta Tester
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About thecursedpit

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  1. thecursedpit

    bot stops after 1 run

    Will do next time! Now seems a conflict between having run maps enabled and not having maps in a slot. I'd asume the bot runs whatever area you select until a map drops and starts running that.
  2. thecursedpit

    bot stops after 1 run

    As the title says: it runs 1 thing, then just idles in town. Anyone else experiencing the same problem? Maybe it's just cause there's a new update out. I hope a bot update will autofix this.
  3. thecursedpit

    Chaos recipe not working

    Thanks for the feedback guys, I really appreciate it! MasterOfSilence: my thoughts as well so that was the first thing I tried, didn't help though. Darkdreamz: Yup, it seems to be related to premium stashes. I didn't open them to public but still it causes problems so now I use regular tabs and it works again.
  4. thecursedpit

    Chaos recipe not working

    Is this a bug that is yet to be fixed? Whenever I use the identified or unidentified chaos recipe mode, after the run, my char stands in town at the stash, opens a tab and stops putting the items in. It just doesn't seem to understand it has to put the items there cause I do see the mouse flickering and that the bot's trying to do something, but stashing is a no go.... Anyone else experiencing this problem or know a fix?
  5. thecursedpit

    Recasting Auras....

    Same here, also keeps recasting various auras.
  6. This would be a very nice feature indeed. Hopefully it can be implemented soon.
  7. thecursedpit

    Stuck problem (IN The Crematorum)

    Same here. Hope this gets fixed.
  8. thecursedpit

    0.50d Bug/ Issue Crematorium

    Any word on this? I'm experiencing the same problems.
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