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About Immortal.

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  1. Immortal.

    question about smart pickit

    local_physical_damage_+% would relay to the items total damage, while physical_damage_+% would relay to the property field.
  2. Immortal.

    Can someone give me good smart pickit?

    I have the knowledge of how to write the smartpick for anything you want it to find or do with the items, but my knowledge on what items you would want are low. If you'd be willing to give me a list of things you want, I could write you a smartpick.
  3. Immortal.


    Hello, HMC. It's good to know there is another serious Diablo player here. I, too, have been a big Diablo player, and still have 4 characters after giving away all my accounts to the public a couple months back. Though, I did it for the sheer aspect of self-progression and "virtual," profit. I can share that desire to explore botting options and learn about the methodology of bots and enjoy them in action. I am still relatively new to the community, so maybe you can I can enjoy learning about this bot and the community together. Send me a PM sometime. Overall, Welcome to EB I hope you enjoy your stay in the community.
  4. Immortal.


    Hello, I am Immortal. I have recently found your community from another community known as BlizzHackers. I started PoE in the closed beta, and openly started playing when the Open beta began. I have started, once again to try and perfect absolute FlickerStrike on PoE. I am full of complex ideals, and God-Tier understanding and compassion. I have done research on everything for a time, I am not a specialist. I aim to make myself rounded, and universal in all aspects. I do not aim to become the best at one, but rather all. I hope that this message will allow you to accept me. I wish to use my time and understanding for EB. If you have any questions about me, ask. I am a philosopher, and an artist. That means I'm poor. But not in truth. Help me join. The community. ∞
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