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Beta Tester
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About okcsfinest

  • Rank
    Bronze V

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  1. okcsfinest

    Good build for version 3.0 to start/bot with?

    do alkaiser's sunder
  2. okcsfinest

    Reset waypoint states

    would be nice once progressions are working more fluidly
  3. does this currenty work for the new expansion?
  4. okcsfinest

    Cannot attach on processes

    What was the resolution here? Having the same problem.
  5. okcsfinest

    Version 0.17 D Bugs

    WRONG LEVEL REQUIREMENTS: My level 32 bot is getting the "must be Elite after level 45" to use this bot pop up. Weird. Multiple times. It works for about 1/10th of a run, goes back to town and gives me the message. EDIT: Version C works fine still.
  6. okcsfinest

    Invasion Bosses

    Any reports on this situation? Just tested and it didnt work on "Glassmaul"
  7. okcsfinest

    Invasion Bosses

    I've ripped over 5 50+ bots in Cruel with chickens at ~55%. The bosses are just insane. Most recently, my level 61 ST scion with insane gear, capped res and 4k armor died to something (not sure what) in Cruel Docks. At level 61.
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