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Beta Tester
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About popito

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    Bronze V

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  1. Hi, I need someone who has a good experience in AHK. I dont have any knowledge about it and i need someone to make a script for me. Willing to donate to someone who can make it. Skype: [email protected]
  2. popito

    Just VMware power

    Added you on skype man.
  3. Thanks man. I will pm you once im decided to do this build.
  4. Well, Actually i wanna try this build. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1425317 I wanna know first if its working or not for the bot. If its not working, I wont do it. Thoughts?
  5. Anyone have a good working setup for explosive arrow? I need an explosive arrow setup badly. Please share if anyone has got it right. Thanks.
  6. Hi, May i know if you got the setup right? If ever you got it working good, Please share you setup. Thanks
  7. popito

    Losing Elite status

    i am also losing my elite status. I dont know when but when i go back after maybe 6-8 hours, Elite status is lost
  8. Can you share which button you put RF on? And the skill setup for the bot?
  9. I think "Cast when damage taken" is the way to really cast RF. Lets just wait for other comments about it. I really think RF has a fast clear speed. And some easy IIR/IIQ
  10. Yes. I think it will really be nice farming library with 300/100 And i think clear speed with righteous fire is really fast. Please if anyone is using it please share your thoughts for the build. And someone said that RF gem is not yet supported. Maybe we can trigger RF with "Cast when damage taken?" Please share some ideas about RF. I really want to respec my level 82 Facebreaker marauder to RF marauder with lots of IIR/IIQ
  11. popito

    RF Build working?

    Has anyone tried MF Righteous Fire build? With like 300 iir 100 iiq? I just want to know if RFire Builds are working for the bot? like this one: https://www.pathofex...d/758233/page/1
  12. Has anyone tried MF Righteous Fire build? With like 300 iir 100 iiq? I just want to know if RFire Builds are working? like this one: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/758233/page/1
  13. So you guys think IIQ is not so important if i want to just farm currency in maybe library for 12 hours? Maybe i should focus more on insane clear speed?
  14. As the title say, Whats the best IIQ number for good currency farming? And where is the best place to farm currency? Library or Catacombs?
  15. i am level 76 and farming merc docks. Can someone give me a good smart pickit for farming maybe 8-12 hours?
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