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About HoneyDemon

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  1. hello, i have a discharger witch lvl 69 with volls protector... and i use ice spear to get charges and damage is pretty good too how should i set up to get to use Ice Spear most of the time and Discharge when 2 or more monsters are within discharge`s range? I am no bot expert but i am also not stupid, i already tried "when monsters are close"... priority... and none seemed to make any difference i just saw in a post here in the forum someone from EB staff saying that skill 1 MUST be ranged and skill 2 MUST be close combat... should that be it? cuzz i had ice spear set on skill 1, 2 and 3 and discharge set as key Q.. i am far from my gaming Pc right now to test... anyway... how should i set up the skills for ice spear and discharge? please help i am completely lost, my char always die and never level up! if i were to buy regrets and refund all skill points... which witch build would you guys suggest to farm for currency?
  2. hello, i have a discharger witch lvl 69 with volls protector... and i use ice spear to get charges and damage is pretty good too how should i set up to get to use Ice Spear most of the time and Discharge when 2 or more monsters are within discharge`s range? I am no bot expert but i am also not stupid, i already tried "when monsters are close"... priority... and none seemed to make any difference i just saw in a post here in the forum someone from EB staff saying that skill 1 MUST be ranged and skill 2 MUST be close combat... should that be it? cuzz i had ice spear set on skill 1, 2 and 3 and discharge set as key Q.. i am far from my gaming Pc right now to test... anyway... how should i set up the skills for ice spear and discharge? please help i am completely lost, my char always die and never level up! if i were to buy regrets and refund all skill points... which witch build would you guys suggest to farm for currency?
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