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Need help with my AHK script
hamncheese replied to topic's hamncheese in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
Immo how u handle LastRunLog gave me an idea im going to try look for EB state when on Login screen using LastRunLog 2014-04-23 13:36:51 [info] -> Logging into the game and do an imagesearch loop only when that state is the last line inside LastRunLog the purpose of the imagesearch is to look for POE state such as : - ure logging from new ip please input password - pressing Ok button - ure logging from new ip please input unlock code from email what do u think ? or is there other way of getting that state ? -
Need help with my AHK script
hamncheese replied to topic's hamncheese in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
i apologize for the late reply, i had to re-format my main box in an attempt to trace what is the cause for this bug ony my end thank you so much Immo, Jsk, i found what was the problem on my end, it was my too heavy ahk script apprently which is odd since the script only eats about 800kb-1,5mb of ram and very little cpu anyway after stripping all the un-necessary script i got it down to 20kb - 600kb of ram altho my Old script does use a lot of imagesearch (small area) for now EB + New script runs merrily without a hitch in all my VM Thank you Alk for taking the time to respond to this thread, yeah the problem was on my end, but i still dont get it... why was 0.16g + Old Script can run flawless while 0.17a-0.17d cannot .... im still hoping for that MouseMove Alk i still think it would a good addition Jsk ure right ... i got the idea (maybe...lol) im going to try that, thank you ! Immo thank you so much for sharing your code, youre a genius ! i didnt thought of using the lastrunlog for cue what state EB is in, Genius man ! btw this is the script that im using atm, the imagesearch bunch into F5, maybe someone with more expertise on AHK can chime in on how to improve my code ? (looking at Immo.. ) who knows maybe someone can have some ideas from this ugly script lol btw immo, i remember reading one of your post maybe ? about responding to PM, did u manage to get the data for real time chat ? i was thinking of sending portion the Private Message thru email, and responding via email so far i have in one of my script above, inserted in the F8 spam trade, to scan a Private Message Pixel (purple colour) in the chat window and sends a warning email to myself, worked great so far, ben using that small email script for about 1+ month no problem so far, what do u think would it be possible ? Edit: this is the other script that the main is calling just a script to save the mouse position twice with sleep 2 minutes in between if its the same close EB and POE send mail to myself SetTitleMatchMode 2 #SingleInstance Force settimer, Loop1, 1000 Loop1: { traytip,, 1st Coord MouseGetPos, xpos1, ypos1 sleep 120000 traytip,, 2nd Coord MouseGetPos, xpos2, ypos2 If (xpos1 = xpos2 and ypos1 = ypos2) { traytip,, Mouse Idle Closing POE and EB pmsg := ComObjCreate("CDO.Message") pmsg.From := """John Doe"" <[email protected]>" pmsg.To := "[email protected]" pmsg.BCC := "" pmsg.CC := "" pmsg.Subject := "MOUSE IDLE" ;You can use either Text or HTML body like pmsg.TextBody := "MOUSE IDLE Closing EB and POE" ;OR ;pmsg.HtmlBody := "<html><head><title>Hello</title></head><body><h2>Hello</h2><p>Testing!</p></body></html>" sAttach := "%FPath%" ; can add multiple attachments, the delimiter is | fields := Object() fields.smtpserver := "smtp.gmail.com" ; specify your SMTP server fields.smtpserverport := 465 ; 25 fields.smtpusessl := True ; False fields.sendusing := 2 ; cdoSendUsingPort fields.smtpauthenticate := 1 ; cdoBasic fields.sendusername := "[email protected]" fields.sendpassword := "password" fields.smtpconnectiontimeout := 60 schema := "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" pfld := pmsg.Configuration.Fields For field,value in fields pfld.Item(schema . field) := value pfld.Update() Loop, Parse, sAttach, |, %A_Space%%A_Tab% ;pmsg.AddAttachment(A_LoopField) pmsg.Send() WinKill, Path of Exile WinKill, Exiled Bot IfWinExist, Exit, Are you sure to Exit { Controlclick, Button1, Exit, Are you sure to Exit, Left, 1 } } } -
Need help with my AHK script
hamncheese replied to topic's hamncheese in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
thanks immo, im reading that little mouse button image thah gets Yellow in zone, and Grey in town since its a pretty small area to scan i figure its not that heavy on the system anyway, regardless on how i pull the data about empty block i still cant figure out how to make the script run Upon Entering Town and Only Once i figured , put the iventory scan into another script/thread call that script on the main one and use SetTimer ? -
this is what the log looks like trying to identify 4 Rare Item And its also odd that the EB decided to chicken after EB state that map is cleared and i think 70-100 ms latency to Google is acceptable ? please .... anyone with a solution i have tried and think everything i can using AHK, and so far not good soluition
Need help with my AHK script
hamncheese replied to topic's hamncheese in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
ok my nex problem : how to incorporate this script with the default EB behaviour the script would run really good tried this 5-6 times with bag full of un-id item blue/yellow/unique so far running well now im trying to figure out how to make this script run only Once and Upon Entering town anyone can help with this ? -
Need help with my AHK script
hamncheese replied to topic's hamncheese in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
i think i got the script working, this is my solution so far : F5:: myindex = 0 Loop { blockinput, on myindex++ ix := ((myindex - 1) * 29) + 460 iy := ((Ceil(A_Index / 12) - 1) * 29) + 365 mousemove, %ix%, %iy% sleep 500 if (myindex = 12) myindex = 0 If A_Index = 60 { Break blockinput, off } else Sleep, 200 } -
hope im in the right section this is a continuation from my last thread so im planning to make a script : Scan Bag and identify all the un-id item reason why i made this script: since 0.17a - 0.17d ive been having this frustrasting bug 'Item Stuck On Cursor' that i have never seen in 0.16g this is my whole un-finished script for now i am stuck at how to scan all the bag section, block per block this is the code block about bag scanning or MouseMove the coord for first Block in Bag = 460, 365 the distance to next Block (x and y are the same) = 29 pixel number of Block 12 x 5 = 60 My problem : the mouse would move correctly from 1st block > 12th Block after this the mouse would move to the second Row but instead of resetting back to the first Column it move to the 13th column i dont know how to make the mouse to 'reset' to come back to the First column after the 12th can anyone help me with this ? Immo has kindly enough to give me some alternative solution using Array but i have no idea how to work with Array, maybe someone can also help me with this ?
Suggestion / Ideas for Addon Based Community
hamncheese replied to topic's hamncheese in Exiled Bot Feature Request
i manage to get the script working this is the script atm the script will do this : 1. scan if theres "You cant drop items in town" window pops up 2. Window found > click the Kepp buton > Close all window using space > press i to open Bag 3. Scan Bag for empty space (judging by green colour on empty space) 4. Empty space found > click it break loop so far its running good BUT i can only cover 1 instance of when this bug is happening there are 2 more instance this that i dont know yet how to handle, maybe someone can help me ? this is all 3 of the instances that this bug will produce - EB tries to move while holding Item result : "You cant destroy Item window pops up" , Infinite loop <--- the script manage to handle this one - EB tries open Bag and click Wisdom while holding item <---- mouse is moving all the time quite hard to catch it even with Save Coords method result : spamming open - close - open -close Bag , infinite loop - EB tries to stash item with Ctrl+click other item while holding item <--- mouse stays in 1 place, can catch with Save Coords, but not sure how to apply the script result : spamming those 2 item, infinite loop Edit : streamlined the code a bit ps: im thinking on to block/pause EB while in town and use script to identify (like in my earlier post) -
Alk have u seen my proposed solution ?
Suggestion / Ideas for Addon Based Community
hamncheese replied to topic's hamncheese in Exiled Bot Feature Request
Immo thank you so much for trying to help me, i have tried your code and read all i can about arrays, but i cant wrap my head around it, i dont really understand how to use Arrays This is what i have tried to do with your code, do u mind taking a look F5:: { _xi := 460 ; x-center of first column of inventory _yi := 370 ; y-center of first column of inventory _countCell := 0 for j, ele in Array { for k, ele in Array[j] { if (Array[j, k] = 0) { mousemove, %_xi%, %_yi% Sleep 150 } _xi := _xi + 29 ; Moves mouse forward 29 pixels _countCell += 1 ; counter of inventory cells if _countCell = 12 { _yi := _yi + 29 ; next inventory row _xi := 460 ; Reset to first Column of inventory _countCell := 0 } } } } -
other bug that i have found Ctrl Key Stuck sometimes the Ctrl key would Stuck / Stick (dont know a better word for it) so when EB press Esc, it would send Ctrl+Esc instead and looks like were spamming the Window key
thats just it most user would say, and i usually agree, that its usually Hardware / Connection issues BUT the strange thing is Hardware + Connection is Exactly the same from 0.16g -> 0.17a and for me 0.16g = Zero of this bug ; i was out of town for 3 days, and had to use TeamViewer, to manage my bot, and not once i have this bug 0.17a -> 0.17d = This bug is killing me now IF those 2 factors are the Only or Main factor for this bug to occur, then logically i should be having this bug too in 0.16g ... and about connection This bug happening on bot with not good connection (300ms to google), that i understand but this also happen to my main bot with the best connection (50-60ms to google) so with this im not really sure that Connection is the Main Factor either most of the time this is how the bug would happen EB in Town EB tries to Identify - open bag > sleep > Rclick Wisdom > sleep > Lclick Item ** there would be time that that EB fails to Rclick Wisdom because when the command Rclick is sent, the cursor is not there yet, and with cursor holding nothing and then click item, the result : Item Stuck ** now what i propose is something like this - open bag > sleep > MoveMouse > sleep > Rclick Wisdom > sleep > MoveMouse > sleep> Lclick Item ps: the above step is basically what im trying to do with my script, and (following my another thread about addon) IF only i have the coords for : - Un-identified item in bag - Wisdom scroll this 2 data would make the script much much simpler ** Adding more data on what happen when the Item Stuck occurs ** - EB tries to move while holding Item result : You cant destroy Item window pops up, Infinite loop - EB tries open Bag and click Wisdom while holding item result : spamming open - close - open -close Bag , infinite loop - EB tries to stash item with Ctrl+click other item while holding item result : spamming those 2 item, infinite loop
Suggestion / Ideas for Addon Based Community
hamncheese replied to topic's hamncheese in Exiled Bot Feature Request
woa Immo, ! thanks a lot ! ill try this right away -
Suggestion / Ideas for Addon Based Community
hamncheese replied to topic's hamncheese in Exiled Bot Feature Request
oh press C search image i made the image in 5 lv increment, that wya theres only 12 image Zemagic, can u help me with my MouseMove script ? im desperate here .. Item Stuck on Cursor this bug is killing me atm this is my main priority, how to workaround this bug i dont know if this will help or not but heres my complete code block of what im trying to do ps: how do we use Spoiler tag in here ? i tried [spoiler=spoiler] and didnt worked for me dOh nvm found it -
reporting for the Item Stuck on Cursor Bug still no solution for me, everytime it happens, infinite loop for me im trying all i can using AHK but havent found a good solution yet does anyone have any method that not involving /destroy ? please im desperate ...
lol thats right i didnt realize it but yeah how on earth did u manage to use maps with max lv 45 limitation
guys i think we should close this thread ? and move on to 0.17D ?
Suggestion / Ideas for Addon Based Community
hamncheese replied to topic's hamncheese in Exiled Bot Feature Request
nice to know than Alk respoded positively for this on a side note ive never read any disscussion about AHK in here, as in how create a script, what are those parameters means, etc seeing as more and more script in AHK are being used by the community i think its not such a bad idea to host discussions in here for EB usage specifics, what do u guys think ? to start i have this small questions im hoping someone with more knowledge than me can help Loop { offsetmove := %A_Index% * 29 box1x := 460 + offsetmove mousemove, %box1x%, 365 sleep 500 If A_Index = 12 Break else Sleep, 1000 } what im trying to achieve : a simple MouseMove from the First Box in Bag to the Second Box, Third box, and so on a screenshot to make my mean clearer from what i understand A_Index inside a loop will contain number 1 for the first pass of the loop, on the second pass of the loop will contain 2, and so on so in my hope my variable OffsetMove := %A_Index% * 29 will contain the number 29 on first pass, 58 on second pass, 87 on third pass Box1x := 460 + OffsetMove will contain the number 489 on first pass, 518 on second pass, and so on and then the Loop will stop or Break after 12 pass i cant see what im doing wrong here, but the script just wont work i have tried using A_Index instead %A_Index% and offsetmove instead %offsetmove% hopefully anyone can help me with this -
How to Install and use Autohotkey or AHK, for your Script
hamncheese replied to topic's hamncheese in Guides
as per request im adding a rough code AHK based for a simple Auto Level Skill Gem this small script will - scan your right side of the window every 5 Second - if it found the + sign, script will click it i know my code is hideous lol please be gentle i am no coder just someone who likes to tinker with stuff GoSub, Loop1 SetTimer, Loop1, 5000 ; change this timer to your liking Loop1: ImagePath = Z:\POE\Path Of Exile\Image ;u need to change this to the folder where you saved the image file ImageName = gem.bmp ; change this to your image filename { ImageSearch, gemx, gemy, 752, 179, 788, 444, *n *50 %ImagePath%\%ImageName% { if ErrorLevel = 0 { TrayTip,, level up gem click, %gemx%, %gemy% return } } } now u need 1 more thing a screenshot of your + sign for level up here is mine and this is the link for the file in case u want to try using this one but i would suggest u create your own screenshot as the resolution and whatnot might be different heres how u do it 1. go to one of your VM / POE window 2. press Princtsreen 3. open Microsot Paint 4. press Ctrl+V or click Paste and u should see your screenshot something like this *** in this example im goind to use a Greyed out + sign because i dont have any toon with Yellow + sign atm but the principle stays the same *** 5. Zoom in to that + Sign (Maximum Zoom) 6. Now were going to Cut the + Sign and we want the to cut as small as possible 7. save the image as 24bit BMP and youre done, dont forget to change the directory to the where u keep your image file and u can do this for every image you need to scan/look -
Suggestion / Ideas for Addon Based Community
hamncheese replied to topic's hamncheese in Exiled Bot Feature Request
thats the thing, im not asking about about the API a simple coords would suffice imo im going to add some screenshot from the Shoutbox, so maybe other can read and maybe have some idea about this -
Suggestion / Ideas for Addon Based Community
hamncheese replied to topic's hamncheese in Exiled Bot Feature Request
on another note i have some script in progress too for pure 1 Click Auto Level example : - newly made toon lv 1 - go to Coast, farm here until lv 5 - lv 5 : go to Mudflats, Farm here until lv 10, open Waypoint - lv 10 : go to submerged passage, Farm here until lv15, open waypoint - and so on and i manage to make the bot do this up to Ledge the problem is if i were to continue the script progress up to act 3 it would get so bloated, and really in effective IF i can somehow get the data mentioned above, the script would be so much simpler and shorter -
Suggestion / Ideas for Addon Based Community
a topic posted hamncheese in Exiled Bot Feature Request
i start this thread with some rough idea of an Addon Based Community as you all know our current most popular way to 'Extend' the functionality of ExiledBot is through the use of AHK (Autohotkey) a couple hours ago i was making a little script to handle Item Identification , i made this because of the Item Stuck on Cursor bug that has been happening more and more often for me since 0.17a this is the crude un-finished script F5:: { PixelSearch, wisdomx, wisdomy, 316, 292, 799, 499, 0x3b337a, 3, fast sleep 500 MouseMove, 462, 368 ;First block in bag sleep 500 ImageSearch, unidx, unidy, 316, 292, 799, 499, *n *60 Z:\POE\Path Of Exile\Image\unid2.bmp unidyc := unidy + 30 { if ErrorLevel = 0 { traytip,, found MouseMove, %wisdomx%, %wisdomy% sleep 200 Click right %wisdomx%, %wisdomy% sleep 200 MouseMove, %unidx%, %unidyc% sleep 200 click, %unidx%, %unidyc% return } else if ErrorLevel = 1 { MouseMove, 489, 365 ;Second block in bag sleep 500 ImageSearch, unidx, unidy, 316, 292, 799, 499, *n *60 Z:\POE\Path Of Exile\Image\unid2.bmp unidyc := unidy + 30 { if ErrorLevel = 0 { traytip,, found MouseMove, %wisdomx%, %wisdomy% sleep 200 Click right %wisdomx%, %wisdomy% sleep 200 MouseMove, %unidx%, %unidyc% sleep 200 click, %unidx%, %unidyc% return } else if ErrorLevel = 1 { MouseMove, 521, 365 ;Third block in bag sleep 500 ImageSearch, unidx, unidy, 316, 292, 799, 499, *n *60 Z:\POE\Path Of Exile\Image\unid2.bmp unidyc := unidy + 30 { if ErrorLevel = 0 { traytip,, found MouseMove, %wisdomx%, %wisdomy% sleep 200 Click right %wisdomx%, %wisdomy% sleep 200 MouseMove, %unidx%, %unidyc% sleep 200 click, %unidx%, %unidyc% return } } } } } } } for ppl who used to AHK would see that if i continue this script to the end, it would end up ugly, bloated, and inefficient, but this is the only way i can come up with if i want to handle all item identification using AHK and that brings a thought to me "if only i could use / access the data / coordinates that are allready inside EB for all the un-identified item in my bag, that data would make the code much much more efficient" so with that in mind i have a suggestion for EB Developer how about providing some of the memory/data/coord that EB has read, to some kind of text Feed / Log something like the Last Item Found Log comes into mind but more for the various item coordinates, Waypoint, etc with the Data accessible, the community can easily and efficiently build a strong Addon for the EB and this would ultimately lessen the burden for the Developer tell me what u guys think ps : what im trying to do with the above script is pretty simple scan for wisdom scroll move mouse to first box found un-id item ? identify if not, move to second box found un-id item ? identify if not, move to third box .... and so on pps: i use the red Unidentified text/image for my 'found un-id item' part -
thanks Bone, yeha i have tried your solution, but its still stuck quite often for me, anyway im not using map feature atm, since theres a big flaw in my opinion that need to be addressed first - EB Running around in Empty Map to me this really cuts down on efficiency on how many exalt/hour we can make.
i can confirmed that F11 Worked for me on 0.17c, maybe try restarting your host / vm ? you wont believe how many problem can be smoothed out with a simple restart
- item stuck on cursor bug, this is happening more often compared to 0.16g, for me 0.16g was almost flawless, i can run the bot almost truly 24/7, but since 0.17a item stuck on cursor has cropped up again i think one of the reason why is that the bot would : Rclick wisdom > sleep > Lclick item Suggestion : Rclick wisdom > sleep > MouseMove > sleep > Lclick item the above picture is bot trying to identify 2 item ..... i know part of the problem is how much Lag on my end (connection and hardware lag) but it would be nice to have this timer at least as an option i know immo has created a solution for this in his EB Tools (btw it is a great tool) but i dont like using /destroy everytime we got something stuck on our cursor, i dont want to accidentally /destroy a 20ex Unique