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About hamncheese

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  1. hamncheese

    Exiled Bot Feature Request

  2. hamncheese

    Exiled Bot Feature Request

    neva ! join teh resistance !
  3. hamncheese

    Exiled Bot Feature Request

    i totally Agree, Progression / Questing is a heavily needed feature thats been in development for quite some time, and now since Alk have PhalanxRS on his side, we can hope again this feature will finally arrive for EB :3
  4. hamncheese

    Exiled Bot Feature Request

    - Stashing and selling speedup Yocttar have made some really good improvement on this, you should try his latest Experimental Release, check Yocttar LAboratory channel in doscord - missclick old portal. i think this falls under Bug Fix category, i think for efficiency sake, we should create a separate Thread for this
  5. hamncheese

    Exiled Bot Feature Request

    its not that, atm the Devs are stil busy ironing out the bugs, and maintaning EB each POE update allright since theres 2 ppl for this feature, ill add it to the poll
  6. hamncheese

    Exiled Bot Feature Request

    hmm if i understand correctly : - bot collect un-id Rares (chaos recipe) lv 60-74 - bot use Armourer scrap on the item - bot sell the set like this ?
  7. hamncheese

    Why not use functional medicine

    i agree with Jps
  8. Hey, since now we have Alkpone and Yocttar as our Developer, im thinking how about a poll to make our Developer life a bit easier, so they have a clear view of what the community needs, and can spend their precious time and energy more efficiently. so with that in mind i made a thread in forum, please let me know what u guys think Please dont forget to post in the thread to keep it alive ! Click the Link below to Cast Your Vote ! https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/8073-exiled-bot-feature-request/
  9. hamncheese

    Exiled Bot Feature Request

    @Jps woops, thank you for the fix @PhalanxRS yes sir, adding it to the Poll
  10. hamncheese

    Exiled Bot Feature Request

    @PhalanxRS allright ! will add the rest into the Poll then
  11. hamncheese

    Exiled Bot Feature Request

    holy crapo didnt expect a response this quickly lol @jps42 i know lol @PhalanxRS woa okay, so to conclude, a feature would be something like this ? - casting auras at HideOut - Make map league option available - GCP sell recepie - Do masters quests please correct me if im wrong the other stuff looks more like a Fix / Improvement if im not mistaken
  12. Hello ! This Thread have 1 goal in mind : to make our Developer Alkpone and PhalanxRS life a bit easier by providing them a clear view of what the community want from our beloved Exiled Bot This way our Developer wont waste their precious energy and time, and can read what the community needs. If you guys have other feature that i havent included in the Poll please let me know by posting in this thread.
  13. hamncheese

    Poe Service & Currency

    very fast trade, thanks man
  14. hamncheese

    ***URGENT*** Paid but activation will not work

    are u still having problem with your key ?
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