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About Zero-Blade

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  1. Zero-Blade

    A few bugs

    1. Difference In Height - the bot doesn't detect stairs and/or difference in height between character and enemies and can get stuck trying to attack. For example in the docks or the crypt. 2. Pathing through terraces - doesn't detect small terraces, like in the crypt, tries to go through them and/or gets stuck around. Especially if there are any urns nearby. 3. Destructible 'Chest' Clusters - urns in the crypt, or any other bigger cluster or destructible 'chests', may stop the bot in place. It doesn't prioritize closest urn and often tries to start from the middle, which is surrounded by other urns, thus unable to get to the middle one it just stands next to the cluster. 4. Enemy Priority - it's more of a feature request, I will post in bigger detail in the other forum category, but by default seems like the bot is prioritizing attacking healthiest > closest enemies? Which can get him killed or stuck from 'spawning' enemies, like spiders and zombies. When the bot goes through a 'spider spawn' room, it stops on the spawn point and waits for the spiders to be attackable, ignoring other threats, even if being attacked meanwhile by ranged mobs. It also doesn't detect the invulnerability aura on rares and goes on attacking the minions. Tested on v0.14d Other than that, works great!
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