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About ereizer

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  1. ereizer

    15f not entering catacomb?

    My bot get stuck at market palce and the exiledbot program make an unexpected error and crush
  2. ereizer

    Loop finding item on the ground

    Thx alk yes i try some change but for my experience 30 is not enough you need a little more ...like 35 ....beacause with 30 some Yellow object in upper screen the cursor can't reach it and offset tries time 6 now is better the problem still when the object is not in the vertical but in the side of the bot the cursor loop and never reach the object THx for all
  3. ereizer

    Loop finding item on the ground

    Thx a lot man i hope they fix this problem
  4. ereizer

    Loop finding item on the ground

    Hy guys ... i have this problem sometimes happen to me .... when the bot kill a leggendary mob and maybe there is also a pack of blue monsters..... they drop too many object and the bot start to find the object on the ground .... increse and decrease the mouse cursor but never reach the object .........until run time limit is off i try to change some parameters in the pick it file and is a bit better .....but 1 time at day shit like that happen and if there is a good object on the ground you lose it and you never know i hope you understand and fix this tremendous issue ....if is possible thx to every body on dev-team for your work
  5. ereizer

    Ready to bot

    Greetings guys i just download the exiled bot and start to operate with it I wanna say hello to everybody and cooperate to help this program to be great =Sorry for my bad english=
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