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Beta Tester
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About throbbincobb

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  1. throbbincobb

    Specific map pickit (Level)

    What is the pickit code for only picking up maps greater than lvl 68? [Category] == "Map" && [MapLevel] > "68" Is that it?
  2. throbbincobb


    Check your reduced mana gem/links I had mine mixed up and seems to be working. #dumb
  3. Anyone? Is this already implemented and I just can't figure it out?
  4. Holy shit this^ I was super excited when I saw strongboxes as an option. I never used the chest option since it kicked urns, I assumed they were treated as the same by the game so they couldn't be distinguished. But logic dictates if you can differentiate strongboxes from chests, urns should be discernable as well. #subscribed hoping for an admin response to this.
  5. throbbincobb


    I've also experienced this. I run two auras, it casts them both and then proceeds to "recast" one which turns it off. It then does not register that one is inactive and proceeds on as if everything was correct.
  6. throbbincobb

    new version bug/loop stashing issue

    This makes me sadface, was looking forward to this update, lol.
  7. throbbincobb


    "identifier provided is incorrect"
  8. throbbincobb

    Stashing issues

    This is EXACTLY what is happening on my end, same setup. I can only assume it's the bot constantly spamming the quicksilver since it is sitting above 40 charges that is occaionally causing this. I hope it can be fixed or a Quicksilver update is added to EB as that is the ONLY feature I use from that autoscript of guruds. Subscribing for some input from Devs hopefully.
  9. throbbincobb

    cant send donation money through pp

    http://exiled-bot.net/#donate "Sorry but the Donation Tracker is currently offline. Please check back later."
  10. throbbincobb

    cant send donation money through pp

    And is it just as simple as donating and I get a code or something?
  11. throbbincobb

    cant send donation money through pp

    Yea I just hit 60 and need to donate to use any further? But the paypal link is broken.
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